Faerie Caves Cheats

How to get the high scores **Warning, possible freezing

I want to let people know how this works for 2 reasons. First, so they know why they can’t even get close to a high score after playing the whole game perfectly. Second, because I’ve seen people trying to sell the secret, which is almost certain to end up with someone losing their account.

I’m not advocating this approach. It’s not the way the game was supposed to be played, and neopets probably looks at it as cheating the flash games. I know some people have gotten frozen after getting a high score, but many people haven’t. I personally won’t use it to get a high score, my account is more important than a trophy.

Those high scores aren’t possible by just completing the game without losing or restarting. The trick is to go to the dark faerie’s level before you complete the light faerie’s level. You can’t see anything in the level if you don’t complete the light level first, but you can get points. It’s tricky, especially since the controls aren’t that good (sometimes you move 2 spaces when you only press the button once, so it’s easy to end up in the wrong place) With practice and a screen shot of what the dark level looks like though, you can get points on that level (but don’t complete it), then click on the top right hand side, where it says you have to complete the light faerie’s level first, to go back. It looks like you go back to zero points, but you don’t. You get to keep the points, and you can go back to the dark level over and over and over. It takes a long time, but that’s where all the extra points come from. – Yellowelliot


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