Eye of the Storm Guide by kcharles

Hello and welcome to my Eye of the Storm guide. First, here are some facts about the game.

Fact 1 – You need about 2500 points for 1000np.
Fact 2 – Eye of the Storm is one of the games with the least guides in Neopia.
Fact 3 – No codes have been found YET.

Now that we all know the facts, let’s start the guide. Here are some different ways you can play the game. You can start to click from the middle out (which I usually do), start from the outside in or start in a random place. Whichever one you use is up to you. Now ,as you might know, there are special tiles that do different things. Storm tiles, Loot tiles and Cannon tiles. Storm tiles show you all tiles touching the storm, cannon tiles do the same, only destroy all the tiles. And loot tiles, like the name says, give you some loot.

Here are some random tips and hints to end the guide.

Tip 1 – Whenever you see the loot tiles because of storms, get them.
Tip 2 – Remember that you are timed and your clicks are counted.
Tip 3 – To save time and points, switch how long tiles are shown to the shortest setting in the game selection screen.
Tip 4 – Normal Mode is the best mode to start on, if you’re good you can try Time Trial.

Thank you for reading! – kcharles


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