Eye of the Storm Guide by Ceredwen

Here is my guide to getting over 5000 points (and at least 4000) in Eye of the Storm. (Hurrah!)


The object of the game is to find the tile under which the Cyodrake’s Gaze (ship) is hiding. When you click on a tile, you will usually see one of four characters, each of which points the way to the Gaze:

Linae – pink Kougra, points up
Bonju – orange Blumaroo, points right
Hoban – yellow Aisha, points down
Shumi – green Scorchio, points left
They will send you in the general direction of the ship.
Remember, you are being measured by time and number of clicks, so the object is to find the ship in the least time and clicks.


– Play on regular screen size, not large or small. When playing on a small screen is that there is less space to travel per click, but the characters are harder to see. On a large screen, everything is visible, but you have to move your mouse acres across the screen to click each tile, which slows you down. The regular screen is nicely balanced between these advantages and disadvantages.

– Play on Time Trial mode. This is the way to get more neopoints; on Regular mode there is a time limit, which limits your winnings.

– Don’t click on every adjacent square. If Shumi points you left, skip a couple of squares rather than clicking on the one to the immediate left. This way you can look for the general area of the ship without clicking on every square in the vicinity.

– Practice to memorize the colors of each character and where they point to. If you play it enough, the directions become synonymous with the different colours in your mind.

– Don’t go mad and start clicking everywhere. This game can be quite frustrating if you’re not used to it or if you’re in a bad mood, so take a break in between levels if you need to. Don’t ask me why I know this.

C’est tout! I hope you have an easier time of playing this game now. You may even add it to your favorites, as it pays well. Cheers! See you in the next world, don’t be late!! – Ceredwen


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