Extreme Herder is a very versatile game as it works well on both fast computers and slower models, because even if the Kacheek is slow, so is Balthazar. Some quick points to remember whilst playing Extreme Herder are:
1. The most basic rule is to ALWAYS get the pet closest to Balthazar as it is generally the pet that he will go for.
2. If you can’t save a petpet as there are too many crowding Balthazar, throw yourself in front of him. This way, Balthazar has to re-enter from the top left corner and you will have some time to gather the other petpets. If you just let him eat the petpet when there are many petpets around him, he eats it and turns around and eats another. If you self-sacrifice, you lose one life instead of two.
3. When you have put all the petpets into gates except one, and you are holding that one on your back, Balthazar will go back to the top left corner and won’t go for you.
4. The gates will disappear as you go up in level, and soon the only one left will be the one nearest to where Balthazar comes out. Take advantage of the time it takes for him to walk out to gather as many petpets as possible and put them into the enclosure.
5. At the very beginning of a level, it is helpful to get a snowflake before Balthasar comes out of the corner as it will freeze him there whilst you gather the petpets nearest to that corner.
6. If you lose a life early on in the game, just restart the whole game as it won’t take long to get back to that point.
7. If you type freeze, Balthazar ill freeze like how a snowflake works, but if you’re a slow typer, Balthazar would have eaten one of the petpets by the time you type it!
8. The petpets are not very intelligent and will often head towards Balthazar. Try to keep on eye on all the petpets so you notice before it’s to late! 🙂 – tushiwuddle
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