Extreme Herder is one of the easiest and best ways to get neopoints. For only a few minutes of play, you can get about 300 nps. By following this guide, you can learn the secrets to getting higher scores and earning tons of neopoints every day!
Learning the Objectives
Playing a game but not knowing how to win is completely pointless. Not only does it make the game harder, but also you don’t get very many neopoints. The point of this game is to help the blue Kacheek collect all the petpets and put them in the center pen before Balthazar eats them.
Getting Familiar with the Controls
Before playing any game, you should know the controls. In most games, including this one, you use the arrow keys to control the character. The following are the controls for this particular game:
Left Arrow Key – Turns Kacheek left
Right Arrow Key – Turns Kacheek right
Up Arrow Key – Moves Kacheek forward
Down Arrow Key – Moves Kacheek backward
Spacebar – Drops petpet currently being held (touch petpet to pick it up)
Gameplay & Points
During the game, Balthazar will chase your petpets, going after the nearest one. Try to rescue the ones in the most danger first. But beware, not only does Balthazar eat petpets, but he also eats you! You get
1 point for every petpet you save, so if there is a group of petpets that are in danger, sacrifice yourself so you can get the points for the petpets and hopefully a ‘saved all’ bonus. Here are all the ways to get points:
Saving a petpet – 1 point
Saving a bonus petpet – 2 or 3 points
Saving all the petpets (levels 1-5) – random amount;
increases by 1 every level
There are two power-ups you can get in the game. They are the blue snowflake and the orange ball. The snowflake will freeze Balthazar and can be very handy in the higher levels. The orange ball will make you go faster, allowing you to rescue the petpets faster. But as you are going to want to be constantly moving in this game, you shouldn’t try to get a power-up if you have to go out of your way to get it.
Mirrors are the grayish rectangles on the sides of the screen. You can go through one and come out on the other side of the screen. These are very useful when you are trying to beat Balthazar to a petpet. They begin to disappear after the first few levels, though.
Receiving Your Reward
Once you finish your game, you should send the score. The game is pretty easy, so you should be able to get at least 100 points every time. The nice thing about this game is that your score is multiplied by 3, so if you get 100 points in the game, you receive 300 nps. Pretty nice payoff for an easy game! – imasongwriter
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