Thanks to Amityville for providing us with the solutions)
How did Sonya initial racing career end before Ben and Cale came into her life? (She broke her leg)
How does Ben acquire the horse in the film? (She is severance pay when Ben is fired)
The oldest recorded horse lived to be how old? (62)
What do you call it when you ride a horse without a saddle? (Bareback)
What does one call the pace that is faster than a trot but slower than a gallop? (Canter)
What is a young female horse called? (Filly)
What is a young male horse called? (Colt)
What is no a main part of a bridle? (Saddle)
What is the Difference between a stallion and a mare? (A stallion is male, and a mare is female)
What is the nickname of the horse in Dreamer? (Sonya)
What is the Spanish word for Dreamer? (Sonador)
What is the tallest horse breed? (Shire)
What track is the Kentucky Derby held at? (Churchill Downs)
What unit of measurement is used to measure horse racetrack? (Furlongs)
Which actor plays the role of Ben? (Kurt Russell)
Which actor plays the role of Pop? (Kris Kristofferson)
Which actress plays the role of Cale? (Dakota Fanning)
Which horse race do Ben and Cale want to see their horse win? (The Breeders Cup Classic)
Which is not a Triple Crown race? (The Breeders Cup)
When riding a horse, what is the name of the equipment in which one rests ones feet? (Stirrup)
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