More than practice, getting high scores in Crisis Courier relies largely on previous knowledge of levels. For example level seven is a maze, and one wrong step will lead you into a dead end. No skill involved there. So play a lot, know the levels and you’ll get that high score. Having a good mouse with a good level of sensitivity is a must for precision and a steady hand helps as well.
Here are some guidelines to follow:
At the start of level one type in ‘kingaltador’ to get that extra life. If you forget, type it at the beginning or end of any level, when you have a few seconds of free flying.
You don’t need to grab everything. If it looks hard, impossible or you just don’t feel like it, don’t get it. Gold bags are only word 5 points and Mintheuses 10, so missing a handful won’t lose you a high score. When you’re a fairy Yooyu, gift bags are worth 20. Blue bags are worth 10 and can only be grabbed by the Ice and Fairy Yooyu, red bags are worth 10 also and only the Fairy and fire Yooyu can get them. If the wrong color touches it, you lose a life. Mutant Yooyu’s can kill any Minitheuse, however, you still only get 10 points each. And touching blue or red bags in Mutant form will cost you a life.
Both fairy and mutant Yooyu only last a few seconds. Once they start blinking it means they’re about to turn back. When they do transform back they are always, no matter what you were to start with, the Ice Yooyu. Remember that.
The Mintheuse holding the little spinny things won’t kill you—when I first played the game I thought if you hit them from up top the fan would kill you. In case you thought the same, don’t worry.
Don’t just grab it because its there! Those fairy apples that turn you into a Fairy Yooyu are often tricks! Hang back a little before grabbing them; see if there are gold bags coming up. Remember that the fairy transformation only lasts a few seconds, so if there are no gold bags in sight, it probably won’t do you any good. In fact, it’ll probably kill you, since Fairy Yooyu’s cannot kill Mintheuses. Gold bags are often shaped in trails or arrows that will lead you to disaster, so if looks overly suggestive, be suspicious!
When you have a bunch of money bags before you don’t randomly wave your mouse around really fast. You want controlled, measured sweeps of the mouse. It may seems like this will take longer and waste time but you will gather more money bags this way. If the bags are in vertical rows, move up and down, if they’re in a pattern, go along the pattern. Wild mouse swinging won’t get you anywhere.
Finally, this may seem obvious, but don’t fly too close to the right of the screen. Stay at the left or in the middle so you can have time to see and avoid traps.
Level 7!
And because I’m feeling generous…the solution to level 7. It’s a maze, so if you take the wrong road you die. At the first parting you can go either up or down, but at the next parting you have to go to the bottom–beware because its narrow. Next you need to go straight up to the top. The following two don’t matter; you can go either way, but in the last one you need to go down.
If you’re looking for a quick 1,000 NP, look no further than Crisis Courier. At the current NP ratio rate, all you need is about 1,500 points, which you can get by the end of level 2. Just get the points, end the game and there you have it! Piece of cake, takes less than five minutes.
And that’s all you need to know!
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