Easy wins
Tired of never being able to win? Wasted enough money trying to get the prize? Waste no further! Simply start the game and aim for a coconut. The Long ones are easier to knock down. When the throw is done, put your mouse cursor on the second a of Again. Hold down your mouse button, release and hold again. This increases your chance of winning. No Joke! After doing this, it only took 3 throws to earn the 10k!
*Spoiler Below*
As you read the Rules, you might notice the special item prize, I played this once, and either one of or the prize is a Stitched Evil Coconut. Its a Kiko Lake coin, and since many people cant seem to win coconut shy, its value is about 45,000 neopoints! – Artie_Chockie
Find out where your pointer is – alternative method
While playing Coconut Shy, go over to a white space on the page and hold down both the right and the left mouse keys, while holding them move over to the game and you can see your cursor! – shorty37727
Find out where your pointer is
For Coconut Shy you not able to see your cursor but if you go to your computer and click on “Control Panel”, then go to “Mouse”, then go to “Pointer Options” and than finally check the box for “Show location of pointer when I hit the CTRL key”, the pointer will display in the game every time you press CTRL and you’ll see where your aim is! – ernesto
Hidden mouse
When Playing Coconut Shy, after you hit “Start” (before throwing the coconut) click outside the game in the white space. Then go back to the game. Every time you stop moving the mouse, the curser shows up, and will help your aim. This only needs to be done once while playing. It’s a quick way to earn 50-300 neopoints! – kassiopa
The hidden staff member
After you shoot a coconut, and the “You won xxx NP” box comes up, click the laughing Quiggle’s right eyeball, you will see the ‘The Phantom Orange-Shirt Guy’! – knd1994123
Hit the coconut you want to hit
When it shows the coconuts loading up, put your mouse, quickly, in the center of the coconut you want to hit. When they have all loaded, click on your mouse and you should hit the coconut straight on. Sometimes, if it is a bigger coconut, you have to put you mouse on the edge of it so that you can hit it harder. – _sugar_sonic_
See where you are aiming
If you would like to see where you are aiming, you can right click > settings > close. Essentially that does NOTHING, but it makes the mouse show up, so you can aim better. You do have to do this after each shot but it does help. – Pez
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