Carnival of terror is quite a good game to score neopoints on but it does take some practice! At first I didn’t like it that much but after a while I was able to score at least 500 neopoints per game.
Always aim for the head of the clown first and then the arms, then legs and finally the body for clowns that are close to you. This way you will get maximum points. For clowns towards the back, just aim and hope for the best, as it is quite difficult to get maximum points with these clowns. Try to get the umbrellas for clowns which have them, if they aren’t falling too fast.
Collect the falling icons (time, health and ammo), particularly time as this runs out quite fast and there’s nothing you can do about it.
If you do run out of ammo just stop shooting until an icon falls and pick it up. If health is particularly low watch out for the pies and shoot them, and also pick up an health icons that fall.
Hope it helps you! – Caroline
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