When you push the up arrow key to start a game, hold it down. The timer will speed up ant the game will begin sooner. The other advantage to this is that you will have an automatic running start at the red car ahead of you. Frequently this will cause the red car to back itself against the wall until it runs out of points. This leaves you two cars that will frequently be charging in the same direction toward the red car. If the red car doesn’t start smokin’ before you hit – then hit it until it does and then hit your down key (reverse)
Just let one of the other cars hit the red car while you simultaneously hold down the down and right or left arrow keys at the same time. This will allow you the opportunity to stay in motion and and arc around to ram one of the other two cars.
Staying in motion while you hit or are hit is one of the keys to surviving in this game. The other cars will take higher hit-points if you are moving.
If the red car takes off in the direction of one of the other two cars, this is the time to Divide and Conquer. Turn and drive head on into the oncoming car. if you’re losing forward momentum, hit the down key. The other car will come charging toward you. keep holding down the down key and press the right or left button simultaneous to arc around and hit the other car with your back end. then hold down forward and right or left and hit them again – rinse and repeat until they’re out of commission.
Tip: Stay away from groups of three cars…just let them battle it out and then take out the survior(s).
Tip: The white engine can lose your opponents up to 15 hit points per collision – 12 if your not at full speed.
Tip: The glowing yellow/rainbow engine can take the other cars out entirely if used at full speed. The white, yellow and blue engines (respectively) take less hit points from the other cars.
Tip: The glowing yellow/rainbow wrench will restore your hit points to ZERO. The white, yellow and blue wrenches (respectively) remove fewer and fewer points
Tip: Stay away from the gas can if you can help it. It does nothing for you point wise, makes your car uncontrollable at high speeds, and you can lose points once it runs out and you go careening into a wall. If you’re stuck with it, get away from the other cars and spin until it’s used up. If you’re lucky you might take some hit points off of a car stupid enough to come near you.
Tip: you’ve heard this one already. Use the mine to lure other cars into losing 20 hit points.
The rest is a mix of skill and luck. Have fun! – Starfeather
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