Don’t move the shooter
Here is a good tip for SB ( super bullseye and the regular Bullseye too if need be) is NOT to move the cannon shooter gizmo and just use the space bar or red button to power up to an appropriate power.. after some experimenting you get really good and you really get $o$ lots of Np :O) which is usually the whole point…anyway if you have you move the cannon you have to take up a lot of time.. Average Np per game using this Tip : 275 NP a game. I hope this is useful ..Well Goodbye.. –
Patience is a virtue
Take your time and concentrate! Move the shooter around and experiment! Make sure the power is in the 45-60 range. The average score for me is 700 so I think u can do it too. – Richard Ding
Power checking
At super bullseye, you can keep the shooter at a certain degree (preferably 25-35 degrees) and you wait for the target to move down to a certain point when you can always hit a bullseye!
At normal bullseye, position the shooter a little higher than the target and shoot when the power is at about 50. You will get bullseye most of the time using this method. – Favian Wong
Aim high
OK well what always works for me is, set your angle to just a bit higher than the target, and make the shoot power a little less than maximum. It usually always hits the bullseye and if it doesn’t keep experimenting, you’ll get it eventually. – Lara
Shortening the distance
I found an easy little secret that might help if your having problems aiming on ultimate bullseye, it makes the screen shorter so it is easier to aim. Open meerca chase to the screen where you select your speed, then minimize it. On the main screen go to the page for ultimate bullseye and open it. The game will show up as the size of the meerca chase game, and a much shorter looking distance to fire! – snowyapril413
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