I am Rachel. aka rachelsyuker, or hooraybait5522, or o0rachelsyuker0o, or, well, you get the point. I have had over 20 accounts. I lost them all through some way or another, and none because they were frozen. I want to tell everyone how easy it is to just lose your account. It can happen in the wink of an eye, for many reasons or for no reason at all.
here are some obvious ways to lose your account that you can lookout for:
You click on a link in a shop, maybe a fake item or something. Suddenly, you see a neopets login page. You enter your neopets username and password, and get sent back to the site instantly. but in reality, you fell for a simple scam placed by a simple minded scammer.
Look at the top bar. If the site in the bar is anything other than www.neopets.com/loginpage, its fake. If you are still not sure, refresh the page. It helps if you report the shop it was in, or if you send the username to abuse@neopets.com
that was the most simple and original scam ever, and only the careless and the naive fall for it. The next scam on the list is a less common scam, and doesn’t apply to everyone, but read it any way if you want to be sure.
If you have a friend around who tends to get jealous of things you have, don’t let them anywhere near anything precious to you. If you do, you could well lose that thing. I lost a lot of accounts this way, but now I realize what is happening. They tell you to go and do something else, or exploit you if you go away/look away from the computer for any reason. They go to the help page and they either directly change your password, or they change your e-mail. Then, they have access to your account and you are never the wiser…until you drop out of your account! Dont fall for it!
If you lose an account and you suspect your friend or family, never let them anywhere near the computer while you are logged on to neo pets. That way they can never ever take what’s yours. Another scam that happens quite often is the password begging. Even though almost everyone knows, I can’t leave this article without it.
Remember the famous neopets v2 line, well this time its twice as sinister. You can go to a chat board, and you will see somebody posting “I have a program that generates neopoints! I need ur p@ss to use it!” watch out for that line, too. They may say the program is unsendable, and yet they got it from a friend. Report them STRAIGHT to the neopets team if you see any of this evidence.
Simply keep your eyes open, be suspicious of people who suddenly wish to befriend you or that seem over friendly, and TRUST NO-ONE!! This is a deadly way to lose your account if you don’t know!
And, finally, one that happened to me once, RECENTLY. And I have not solved it yet, so If you have any tips, PLEASE send them to me because I need them. rachel@yukarang.co.uk
This may seem obvious, but keep your password written down somewhere secret. I forgot my password recently, and my e-mail that I signed up on is down indefinitely, so I can’t get back on. I tried mailing them on this one explaining my situation, I am currently in the middle of talking it through with them about it, and may get it back by proving its me.
That’s all for now, guys. Until then, stay safe and don’t trust anyone (that you don’t know very well)! – Rachael
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