Welcome to the world of Neopets! I am Kym, a Neopets player, who during my time, have experienced everything that there is to experience about this game. This book contains a wealth of information all waiting for you to uncover and read!
As many of you may know, Neopets is a game of magic and excitement, where any decision you make will affect other aspects of your Neopian life. This world is gifted with friends you can make. On the other hand, it is also plagued with scammers and scoundrels, who like doing nothing better than to rob you of your achievements. In my opinion, the risks are worth it, as this game has been a blessing for me. For me, this game, other than its entertainment value, has been an invaluable educational experience. From its scammers and hackers, I have learnt that the world is not a perfect place. Through its integrated commerce system, I have learnt the real value of money. Through its stock market, auctions and trading, I have learnt valuable commerce and haggling skills. These things cannot be learnt in the classroom, and I am thankful that I was able to learn this in a simulated environment rather than learning it in the real world, where results could become nasty. Are you willing to also learn these things?
Your Neopets journey will depend on the decisions you make at every crossroad you come across. Will you become the richest Neopian or will you aim to raise the strongest neopet in existence? Will you aim to collect all the items that exist in Neopia to show off in your gallery, or do you plan to hoard all the available trophies for everyone to marvel at? Whatever you decide, Neopets is wrought with fun, excitement, and it’s fair share of dangers, which you will hopefully avoid. Alongside your neopet companions, your journey will hopefully be a joyous one.
Each journey begins with taking the first step, and as you are now reading this book, I congratulate you for taking this first step! Keep in mind that every step you take will take you closer to your goals, no matter how big or small the step is. Even if you are an experienced player, this book will hopefully give you hindsight on the world you play in.
Neopets is a game, which has no clear ending. Like many simulation games, there is no winning point, and the game only ends when you choose to have it end. Any goal, which you choose to make, will determine how long you will play the game. Keep this website handy because it will aid you in your endeavors! Whatever you choose, good luck and happy neopetting! – Kym
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