Chemistry For Beginners Guide by Debra Lenik

Chemistry For Beginners isnt really a popular game. Its not very fast-paced, it doesnt win you a lot of np, and besides that, no one really remembers it. But if youre looking for a challenge, its a good place to go. It takes some time to play, but I personally find it a very soothing way to earn a moderate bit of np – much better than kau-johng, for instance.

Once you get past level five, you have the option to start at level six when you play, but you miss out on the scoring opportunities of the first five levels, which are quite easytherefore I suggest you start at level one. However, it can get boring putting together two atoms at a time, so do what suits your mood.

Cliffhanger Tips

Take your time for good gains

When you complete a cliff hanger puzzle you get the same number of points no matter how close.or far you cam to losing. The points you get are as follows: Beginner level: 50 np Average level: 100 np Hard level: 145 np The points don’t seem like much, but you can earn up to 1,500 np per day, and it only costs 15 np per round to play, so actually you are making quite a profit. – by daddysgirl1208

Neverland Jigsaw Puzzle Tips

Mini guide

1) If you are a newbie to this game, or you do not do jigsaw puzzles much, start out on the easy level, just to get used to where things are. However, as soon as you get good at it, go to the hard level. The most I ever got on easy was around 300 points. There is an upper limit of 1000 points on hard, and I go over that every time I play.

2) For hard level 1, the pieces are set up really well. The puzzle is a rectangle, with 5 columns of 3 pieces each. Going from right to left, each of the columns are right where they should be, just the rows are wrong, and all you have to do is fix them. Almost no moving around of any piece you don’t want to place is needed.

Shapeshifter Guide by Razol

Shape shifters, yet another puzzle for us to solve! Hello again, I’m Razol, and I’ll guide you through Shapeshifter like I did Extreme Herder! Now, this game isn’t an action game, but a puzzle. It had me stumped for the LONGEST time, so you’ve got to think carefully! I’ll start with the basics.


Ok, the aim of the game is to get all of the symbols to be the same. The only four I know of are the Crown, Sword, Goblet, and Glove. They are nothing but pieces of the puzzle. I’ve only gotten to level 5, so I’m not too much an expert, but it says you can get up to 5 different symbols in one puzzle.

Poogle Solitaire Solution

Did you know, if you complete this puzzle quickly enough, your neopet will gain speed, and sometimes even intelligence!

Sq. 29 to Sq. 17

Sq. 26 to Sq. 24

Sq. 33 to Sq. 25

Sq. 18 to Sq. 30

Sq. 31 to Sq. 33

Sq. 33 to Sq. 25

Sq. 6 to Sq. 18

Sq. 13 to Sq. 11

Sq. 10 to Sq. 12

Sq. 27 to Sq. 13

Sq. 13 to Sq. 11

Sq. 8 to Sq. 10

Sq. 1 to Sq. 9

Sq. 16 to Sq. 4

Sq. 3 to Sq. 1

Sq. 1 to Sq. 9

Sq. 28 to Sq. 16