Crisis Courier Guide by Anonymous

More than practice, getting high scores in Crisis Courier relies largely on previous knowledge of levels. For example level seven is a maze, and one wrong step will lead you into a dead-end. No skill involved there. So play a lot, know the levels and you’ll get far.

Here Are Some Guidelines to Follow

At the start of level one type in ‘kingaltador’ to get that extra life. If you forget, type it at the beginning or end of any level, when you have a few seconds of free flying.

You don’t need to grab everything. If it looks hard, impossible or you just don’t feel like it, don’t get it. Gold bags are only worth 5 points and Mintheuses 10, so missing a handful won’t lose you a high score.

Extreme Potato Counter Guide by LilPearlAngel

Here we have Extreme Potato Counter, which I’m guessing is really just an improved flash/shockwave/whatever-they’re-using-these-days version of ‘Potato Counter’ which is one of those Medievil games from Meridell.. Basically, on Potato Counter, slowly (or fast, depending on whether you’re using my comp or not) a number of pictures of potatoes (or what is supposed to be potatoes) will pop up on your screen and a yellow Kacheek (apparently called ‘Alton Moughbry’) will ask you ‘How many potatoes do I have??’ and you have to sit there counting the potatoes, then type in the number and click guess as fast as you can.. Hopefully gaining some NP. Not very much though, but then I don’t know, I guess it depends on how fast you can count.. Which is about 0.25 mph for me.. but according to Alton over here, I counted 58 potatoes correctly in 44 seconds, which means I win 30 NP! Oh the joy of having 30 NP! Ok so anyway… to Extreme Potato Counter, founded in February 2003 by PPT, and after much suspense to play the new game (waiting for the link to work), we were given a brief game guide of ‘just count the big brown pebbles while they are flying to the air and spinning’. So here is a more detailed guide to hopefully help you.

Snowmuncher Guide by Timo E

With a golden Snowmuncher champion trophy and a high score of over 17,000 in Snowmuncher, I decided to make a proper game guide!

Principles to follow and hints to try:

1. Stay in the middle lane [this will allow you to cover as much ground as possible when getting gems and bottles. If you are close to the wall, you usually have only one way to escape!]

2. The bottles determine your path [you have to follow the bottles or you lose a life, you can not skip any of them usually. Also, usually you can not trade a bottle for a gem. You’ll get the gem and lose a life.]

Ice-Cream Machine Guide by angelicalex1

Sadly, I mean the game, not an ice-cream machine that you can go and get free ice-cream for your neopets whenever you like. But it is a really fun game in my opinion.

First I am going to tell you how to play it

You play a chia called Adee (which you move by moving the mouse).

The aim is to move around and avoid touching the scoops that start at the bottom of the screen and disappear when the get to the top (you could try quickly playing the game so you know what I am talking about).

You start with three lives and lose one each time you touch a scoop. On each level there is a certain amount of scoops you have to avoid to proceed to the next level (which increases by 25 each time).

Turmac Roll Guide by Freakmotee

Okay I know what your thinking, ‘Geez, that’s the easiest game ever! Why do they have a guide for that!?!’. Well it is not the easiest game in my opinion, I personally think Sophie’s Stew is , but that’s off the point of the whole guide! Okay of course we all know how to play ,but I’ll tell you anyway!

Neopet’s Way To Play Turmac Roll
You use the left, right, and up arrow keys. To move your Turmac keep your finger on the right arrow key. To jump press the up key, and press the left arrow key to slow down. Collect all the berries to get points.