If you have under 1000 np then you should always go to the soup kitchen. Don’t waste your money on food that you can get for free.
Always play the game “Cheat”. You will win lots of np battlecards and if you beat the whole game you will get a trophy.
Go to the Money Tree. If you have over 10,000 np out then put some in the bank. You can’t take if you have over 10,000 out but if you put it in the bank the money tree will never know that you had it.
Play all of the games that reward np. Even if you don’t win you will still get money. What is there to loose?
Buy scratchcards and spin the wheels of mediocrity and excitement. They are 50 – 100 np a spin but you will win great prizes.
Play Scorchy Slots. Once I won one of each faerie and it only cost me 5 np to play.
Buy food to sell in your shop. One of the foods I make a lot of np off of is the donuts. I buy them for 8 np and sell them for 20 np. Some people think they are rare but they are not. If you see a donut for 50 np do not even think about buying it.
Paint your pet an interesting color. People will think you are extremely rich if you do this even if you are not.
Do not donate tons of money to the Money Tree. You won’t get any kind of reward if you do so.
Use the shop wizard more than once. You won’t always get the best price on the first try.
Put money in the bank. Every time you win or earn a lot of np put them in the bank. The more money in the bank, the more interest, the less money for ghosts to steal.
I know you hear this a lot but NEVER Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever EVER times infinity give out your password. I saw something that said if you enter you password you will have 1 million np transferred into your account. I looked at the web address and it was not even part of the neopets web page.
last but not least, don’t ever spend more that 20,000 np on one item in a shop that was created by a user. they are most likely ripping you off big time. – Rachel