Mummy Maze by chikorita334

You start level 1, hoping to slice your way through Scorchio Mummies to a bounty of points. Then you realize — “Hey! How do I get to those coins over there!? And over there? And aaah!” Before you know it, you have slipped and slid your way through the level and you got a very low bonus. Sound familiar? Well, I’ll try my best to help you.

I know what you’re going to say. “This person isn’t even a Grand Master yet! Bah! Why listen to her!?” Well, you may be right about me not being a Grand Master, but I definitely know the ropes of Mummy Maze.

First of all, there is one rule to attacking the enemies across to another platform — DUCK! That’s right, even though the fireball touches Kiaran, it won’t make her lose a shield. Your basic plan should be to throw a sword and duck immediately, as soon as you can. The sword should come back to you, unless it missed. If you and the Mummy are on the same platform, slowly approach the Mummy, and wait until he turns his back. Quickly fire your sword — when you are on the same platform as a blue Mummy (the one that shoots fireballs in both directions) you may want to avoid the situation entirely. It’s extremely risky, as in it isn’t safe to duck (you will lose a life if any mummy touches you) and a fire ball will be out to get you before you can muster 2 whole hits on the Blue Mummy.

Oh, so you want to know how to get those coins and that extra life on level 1? Well, you have to have decent skills at controlling Kiaran while she’s jumping. You might be able to jump to the block to the right of your beginning position and then walk to the right. This path gets you the most points, especially because you can jump up the rest of the paths from the start if you’re clever. Make sure to explore practically everything on level, but just be careful of the mummies! At the door to the end of the level, you should have at least around 300 points and a decent bonus waiting for you.

A couple other things to watch out for are fire, blades, and spikes. Fire may look intimidating, but it’s relatively easy to dodge. When it’s in its short form, it can’t hurt you, and you should be able to sneak past it entirely if you run past it just after it stops blazing and goes back into the wall. By the time to goes up again, you’ll probably be safe.

As for Blades, you should destroy them if they annoy you, but if your timing is right, you can easily dash through rows of them before they even start to extend. Spikes shouldn’t even be bothered with — they come up rarely.

And finally, for the ghost , you can outrun him if the next few screens are ones you can cross quickly. Also, he dissapears if you run into him, at the price of a shield.

Well, I hoped this guide helped. Good luck, and I hope your scores on Mummy Maze improve after reading this! – chikorita334

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