Are you a Neopian stuck in the poverty circle? As in you are disastrously poor and you have no idea how to get out? This guide will help you make 7,000 neopoints a day, which to some Neopians is a hell of a lot!!! Surprisingly all that is need in this guide is games.
First, Play Whack-a-Kass. Try and hit it between 850+. This means you will get 300+ nps every round. Repeat until max. amount of plays are reached.
Second, play Volcano Run. This game is a simple and original game. Try and get the score to around 750+. This means you will send 250+ nps a round. Personally, I send at about 815 but that’s just me!
Next play Ultimate Bullseye. Many people think this game is hard to succeed at. Well as the nps Ratio is 800 nps per 100 scored, I’d say it’s worth mastering. What I suggest you do is aim carefully at the arrow board. Then power up. I tend to fire around the middle or a little bit to the right. I know this game is hard but keep practicing!! It worked for me. I send score at strictly 38+.
Next play Turmac Roll. Ok I’m going to be honest with you. No REAL skill is involved with this game. It simply a matter of luck and a little co-ordination. When you are at 300+ send score 3 times (as you do with all the games). By the way, always have the difficulty at hard. Trust me its not hard.
Next game is Meerca Chase 2. As usual practice a bit. Send the score 3 times at 250+.
OK this bit is where you chose. By this stage you should have 5,550 to 6,550 neopoints by now. Now either play Chia Bomber 2, Mootix Drop or Extreme Potato Counter. All of these games have high neopoint ratio and are all fairly easy.
Guess what, you have just made 7,000 neopoints in around half an hour!! Don’t believe this really works? By making and using this guide, I was able to buy my first EVER actual paintbrush for 110,000 neopoints just after a few days! Now my Eyrie is glowing!!
I really hope I have helped you out here. Remember you must follow the instructions EXACTLY to get to 7,000 neopoints. Under score sending can result in you having to play more games. – fireomen92
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