SweeTARTS Guide by Porygonix

Yet another version of a classic game from when technology was medically and socially beginning it’s advancement. (Hey, it gets bigger when I rub it!) Okay, so maybe not. This joins Meerca Chase and Kiko Match as Neopet’s versions of the classic Ping Pong, Snake, and Memory. But who cares what they copied it from! The SweeTarts Hockey Challenge is a Neopoints jackpot in hiding. One of the more neglected games in Neopia is also a cash crop in the making.

First, I’ll touch on the scoring. The scoring is actually very complex. It starts with 80 if you win by one on Easy, and if you win by 2, it multiplies 80 by 2, and if you win by 3, it multiplies 80 by 3…then it increases by that number to the next level, Medium. Winning by one gives you a nice 320, by 2, a hefty 640, and by 3, a nice little jackpot of 960 NP. Not bad, huh? It’s actually not that hard…that is until you get to the Hard level itself. Even though a win by just one figures to award you 1280 NP, a win by 2, 2560, and a win by 3, 3840, just try to win on Hard…it lives up to its name. I haven’t even SCORED on hard yet!!!! All losing gives you 30 NP, which is definitely, as you know, not worth it.

Oh, and just for the record, if you’re wondering what exactly the Sweet and Tart is about, it’s what color your side of the court is. (Tart being blue and sweet being pinkish) It has no affect on the scoring you receive…it’s only amusing to pick Tart, and be playing on a dyslexic court that says “Tart Sweet”.

The easy level lives up to its name, easy. The opponent misses the first ball a whole lot, and hitting banker shots (by using the tip of your sweet-tart stick, but be careful not to let it go by!!!) do the trick a lot. Shutting them out on Easy isn’t hard at all, and hauls in a decent 240 NP.

The medium level is a bit harder and the Bruce get a lot more aggravating than last time. (I thought they were there to help?!) But winning gives you anywhere from 320-960 NP 🙂 It’s easy!!!

Thought the medium was hard? It’s like pre-school compared to the Hard level. It’s really rough and as I said, I’ve never scored on hard, they’re a Dominic Hasek. (All-Star goalie of the Detroit Red Wings, an American hockey team) Be careful of the fast puck Bruces, they’ll get in a ricochet fight and make the puck extra fast, be aware!!!

Sticking to the medium levels and shutting them out is nearly 3000 NP a day and should contribute to you on your way to ultimate riches!!! Good Luck!!!!! (you’ll need it on Hard 😉 heh – Porygonix

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