Hunt for the Battledome

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The hunt was on for the fabled, lost Battledome.

The Hunt for the Battledome was an early plot about the discovery of the Battledome and Maraqua. It began on 2 October 2000 and concluded on 13 October. After this plot occurred, all pages and images associated with it were removed from the site.

The Battledome would finally open its doors to the public on 11 January 2001, after extensive testing. The battle between Chiazilla and MechaChiazilla became a two-player Flash game which has since been removed.

Although they could follow along to the story, players could not participate in this plot and no prizes were awarded.


From left, Sarkis, Buckley, and Ursualla set out on an adventure.

The plot began when three Neopets, best friends Buckley, Sarkis, and Ursualla, discovered an old brochure in their attic for the Battledome. In order to find out more, they travelled to the Neopian Library, and then set off for Mystery Island in search of Professor Chesterpot, Neopia's leading expert on the Battledome.

At the same time on Mystery Island, a Chia called Benjamin discovered the abandoned Island arena, and the next day on the Space Station, some Grundos discovered the Space Arena.

The Water Faerie's orb proved the Battledome existed.

The three adventurers' hunt for Professor Chesterpot was cut short, however, when they were attacked by Chiazilla. They woke up in the underwater city of Maraqua. Although the Professor had been there, he had been kidnapped, and all the trio found was his walking stick and a note.

The king of Maraqua, King Koi, did not want to rescue Chesterpot as he did not believe in the Battledome. The Water Faerie arrived with her magical orb that proved it existed, and the next day, MechaChiazilla began his attack on the city. Chiazilla returned to defeat the robot, and the kidnapped Professor was saved. Finally, the secrets of the Battledome would be known to all.

Behind the scenes[edit]

MechaChiazilla tried to stop the secret of the Battledome ever being discovered.

External links[edit]