Template talk:Funfiller

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Revision as of 01:13, 12 September 2007 by Jacob (talk | contribs) (→‎Take down?: YEP! taken down...what next?)
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The purpose of "Funfiller"[edit]

Suppose this needs a little more highlight seeing as it's part of the front page, right? ;) Originally, the "Funfiller" was created as a extra for the filler in the current design supplied by NeoEva88. I then thought it would be interesting to have a section admins could have fun with, updating funny or interesting comments to the front page. It has, of course, only been used by me...and not that much i can say. So, as a ways to let all admins know...here we are. :D

On the future of the funfiller, i'm unsure. Do we still want or need a funfiller? We can try to update it more often and see if it catches on with other visitors. Mind you, admins who upload content to the funfiller need to create clipboard pages like i have in order to link back to them. Other than that...yeah. Looking forward to see what other people have to say about this. Time to make a long awaited update to the Battle for the Dung (almost a year to finish? :S)... --Jacob 00:13, 29 May 2007 (CDT)

Instead of clipboard pages, could the links not just link to the template's history? --Macbeth 17:08, 26 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Have you SEEN some of the cached history pages i used to link to (as that WAS what i was doing in the past)? Misspellings, bad grammer, missing wiki links...if the links direct to the clpboard i have set up right now for the content, everything will always be updated. --Jacob 22:41, 26 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Well, we could fix those mistakes, revert to the current version, and have it link to the updated historical version perhaps? Well, anyway... So, part 12? End in sight, or is this an indefinite endeavour? --Macbeth 23:37, 26 Jul 2007 (UTC)

Why bother creating 12+ improved versions (not counting the rewrites i may do for the future...as this does seem like a rough draft to me) when it could all just be on one page? Seemed too much work just to have a blue box around some text. :S

And yeah, part 12. and counting. There IS an end, but i still have a few more parts to go...can you believe this has taken over a year? *cries* :( do you really think this Battle for the Dung could be a never-ending story? --Jacob 13:46, 27 Jul 2007 (UTC)

It could be, I suppose, but it would grate after a few dozen editions, methinks ;). --Macbeth 14:43, 27 Jul 2007 (UTC)

Take down?[edit]

Bah, I'm feeling pretty silly about this, but what do others think on the idea of taking "Funfiller" down? There really doesn't seem an interest in it, and I've...well...fallen so behind in lack of completing "Battle for the Dung", I wonder if I should even bother. I just think the funfiller is being seen as an eyesore at this point, and the front page would look a lot neater if it was just taken off (and an update to its look is needed, so...). What do the rest of you think? :S --Jacob 11:35, 6 Sep 2007 (UTC)

I took the initiative and decided to end it. News posting on the front of PinkPT. No there is the problem of what to do with this...do we keep it up for reading? Users CAN go to my subpage to read all funfiller entries, so we could delete this. What does everyone else think? --Jacob 01:13, 12 Sep 2007 (UTC)