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I do not get the edit to Galem. You said it was "vulgar" what was that? Also, it looked like Galem lost his heart to me, look closely at the silliouette. --Unsigned by 00:55, 12 Dec 2006  
I do not get the edit to Galem. You said it was "vulgar" what was that? Also, it looked like Galem lost his heart to me, look closely at the silliouette. --Unsigned by 00:55, 12 Dec 2006  
:It's nothing more than the artists whim, similar to the switching of the jaw colour with Darigan. Also, Neopets would never visibly show something like that to users, especially when the image is right there in fron of us. Seriously, why would the TNT show that to a mostly younger crowd? They wouldn't. exactly. you can look into it all you want, but that didn't and couldn't happen. --[[User:Jacob|Jacob]] 19:29, 11 Dec 2006 (CST)
:It's nothing more than the artists whim, similar to the switching of the jaw colour with Darigan. Also, Neopets would never visibly show something like that to users, especially when the image is right there in fron of us. Seriously, why would the TNT show that to a mostly younger crowd? They wouldn't. exactly. you can look into it all you want, but that didn't and couldn't happen. --[[User:Jacob|Jacob]] 19:29, 11 Dec 2006 (CST)
:His death seems that was to me. [[User:|]] 13:45, 12 Dec 2006 (CST)

Revision as of 19:45, 12 December 2006

Pet type categories

Okay, sorry, I got the idea that we were supposed to make the categories singular and not plural, my mistake. --NeoEva88 09:33, 18 Jul 2006 (CDT)

Proposed Change to Image Table

So, we've been using this script for a while to link images from Neopets.


This has worked very well, and I have become a big supporter of linking from Neopets now that I've gotten used to it.

Now I'd like to present an idea of mine. I "dressed up" the table a little bit, so we can add a border to the image and maybe a little thumbnail description.

Fancy, eh?

{|align=right style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; border: solid 1px #bbbbbb; padding: 1px"
|Optional text.
I think it looks nice so I just thought I'd show you the script and stuff and see what you think. NeoEva88 10:51, 11 Jul 2006 (CDT)

I like it. :) However, the image linking done for images is meant to be a temporary thing, as i was intending to upload the image linked images as wiki images. I just haven't haven't gotten around to it. :S I just use the image linking as a ways to find the best image possible to work for the article for a future image load. And this new table is very good for that. *thumbs up* --Jacob 11:02, 11 Jul 2006 (CDT)

Greetings from Yukio

Hi there! I'm typing in what I think is a messaging feature :) Let's hope it works!--Yukio 17:32, 3 Mar 2006 (CST)

  • it's working alright. ;) So...i'm the admin? is that right?--Jacob 17:35, 3 Mar 2006 (CST)

Great! Got it down pat :) This WIKI thing is kinda addictive @_@ Of course :) Admin away Jacob, admin away ^_^ Would love to chat online when we get the chance. I'll reply to your email soonish.--Yukio 17:56, 3 Mar 2006 (CST)

  • looking forward to hearing from you. thank a lot.--Jacob 17:58, 3 Mar 2006 (CST)

Just wanted to drop in a line and say you're doing an amazing thing with the NeoDex :) Under your leadership, the NeoDex has totally grown expotentially and is becoming what everyone envisioned it to be :) Well done!--Yukio 13:50, 29 May 2006 (CDT)

  • Thank you very much. There is still so much to do of course, but all in due time...hopefully. :o Still don't know how to eidt and present the gaming articles. Mostly just focused on the plot/character/Neopet pages. Best get to thinking then.--Jacob 15:28, 29 May 2006 (CDT)

Image Linking: Neopets vs. Internal

So i was wondering...should we be focusing on making our own images to make the wiki colorful, or should we direct link to Neopets? I see all other fan sites doing it, and i'm wondering what is the opinion of everyone else on the matter. I'm fine working it either way, but would like to know how we would like to do it so we can work on it soon enough.--Jacob 07:34, 4 Mar 2006 (CST)

  • i decided on this for the time being: images that can be linked directly from neopets if the are set inside constructed tables. internal images will be used whenever they are not, as i haven't yet found a way to move images directly linked to.--Jacob 13:27, 8 Mar 2006 (CST)

"Karnik" Request

Jacob, could you please delete the article Karnik from the Characters page? I can't do so for some reason and it's irritating me. Thanks. Also, is it allright if I add a page for Zafara Double Agent?

thanks for noticing that. the proper redirect has fixed it. now to add that misspelling to the list... ;) --Jacob 17:47, 24 Apr 2006 (CDT)


I thought I should mention that Neopets, The Website has been vanadlised, so is probably in need of a reversion. It's when I noticed this that I realised that I am not aware if a formal structure for reporting vandalised articles exist: could you clarify what we are meant to do? --Macbeth 17:35, 15 May 2006 (CDT)

ah! vandals! *attacks* well, reversing the effects of the vandalism is key, and stating that vandalism happened as well in the "summary". other than that, i don't know of any "formal structure" than that, along with me banning people along the way. --unsigned by Jacob (opps!)
What I mean is, what is an average member like myself meant to do about it? Do we leave you the vandal's name, rank and number and you ensure that they are 'no longer a problem', can we revert the page ourselves, or are we meant to wait for you, etc? --Macbeth 13:33, 18 May 2006 (CDT)

Members/IP Addresses who i haven't blocked/spoken with yet should be reported to me, and yes, and average members can reverse adverse effects on articles (highly encouraged). clicking previous revisions of an article in its "history" and then saving that edit replaces the current revision.--Jacob 14:43, 18 May 2006 (CDT)

Anti-Neopian Article

Propose locking of the Anti-Neopian article? As the is the encyclopaedia of Neopets, it would seem logically to include it in an objective way, but the nature of the article is that it likely to encourage vandalism - we do not want to turn the Neodex into one big discussion of issues that are not likely to be resolved. If there are any arguements that either side think should be added, they can always be put into the Talk page first, to maintain the objectiveness of the entry... --Macbeth 20:20, 28 May 2006 (CDT)

*bows* good idea. will do so right now. Other than that, how do you feel about the current state of the article?--Jacob 20:28, 28 May 2006 (CDT)

It makes me wonder how one can draw a connection between a childrens site about animated pets and devil-worship... ;). I think the arguments and counter arguments (and rebuttals) are presented fairly sucinctly. Although personally, I do wonder about a lot of Anti-neopian points, like how they came up with them... They seem somewhat random. --Macbeth 20:42, 28 May 2006 (CDT)

If you look back through the history of the article, you can see the written connection between devil worship and Neopets dealt with Scientology as well. I'm guessing they are just trying to anger or excite people to reply violently, as a form of entertainment. we shall see.--Jacob 21:00, 28 May 2006 (CDT)

Unspoken Rules

I intend to expand on the Unspoken Rules section on give it a more encyclopaedic voice, but as it is one of the articles linked directly to from Help Contents page, I wanted to confirm with you whether I can do this first? --Macbeth 13:31, 30 May 2006 (CDT)

The help page in general needs a reworking. was going to try and see what i can do about it, looking over other help pages (wikipedia's in general) and the like and see what we need. what help you can offer would be good.--Jacob 13:44, 30 May 2006 (CDT)

Article for Deletion

The article Root Canal Champion originally just said "hi" I changed the text to what it currently is. --NeoEva88 21:33, 22 Jul 2006 (CDT)

Root Canal Champion will not and should not be deleted. it should be filled with the proper data, as it is a term used on Neopets in reference to a trophy TNT members have on their user lookups. --Jacob 02:54, 23 Jul 2006 (CDT)

Proposal: Game Hints

Post's modifictaion of the Extreme Herder page and talk page, it has occured to me that there are a lot of game techniques which we could record, under a 'Tatics' heading, on the game pages, perhaps? Do we have your 'go' on this? --Macbeth 15:45, 5 Aug 2006 (CDT)

You have my "go" for that. Collected tactics and practices of games were going to be part of the NeoDex from the start i believe (along wit the history and such of course ;) ). --Jacob 15:55, 5 Aug 2006 (CDT)

Question: TCG links

A lot of TCG links at the bottom of pages have just been left as [name], with no actual link (e.g. [Gormball]): are these meant to link to the image of the trading card, or to the little pop-up page one gets when one clicks on them on the TCG Checklist, or... ? --Macbeth 10:32, 7 Aug 2006 (CDT)

The TCG links (and NeoDeck links for that matter) are meant "to be filled", as i didn't feel like doing the work at the time to fill them out. yes, i was lazy. :D The proper links can be found in the examples of JubJub. For NeoDeck, it's the pop up description while viewing a users neodeck (or the spoiler page). For TCG cards, it's the when a user clicks the card on the checklist. --Jacob 11:39, 7 Aug 2006 (CDT)

Neopets Ad Comic... Things

You've probably noticed the 5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) new comic-style adverts that have been appearing on the site (they were mentioned in a recent editorial too) - I was wondering if you had any idea what we could call them for an article. I'm stumped: 'comics' is too much like the section in the neopian times, they aren't really 'ads'... --Macbeth 12:39, 4 Sep 2006 (CDT)

Put it in the Neopets article, under a "banner ads" section...or something like that. seeing as banner ads are a big thing on the website, don't see why can't there be a fill section on everything about them, dealing with their contect and their history. and yes, these ARE ads, as they are on the banner ads section. --Jacob 12:54, 4 Sep 2006 (CDT)

Staff Page Editing

Ahh that looks much better. Thanks Jacob! (Yukio) -- 18:31, 10 Oct 2006 (CDT)

Non-Neopets created pages

Hi Jacob, this article has unnecessary links in it that are non-neopets related such as linking to staff members at the fansite. Reccomended for removing the links. Furthermore, someone created actual pages for the staff members which I also vote for deletion. http://www.pinkpt.com/neodex/index.php/TheDailyNeopets

Admin + Disambiguation

Hey there, who do you contact to get admin powers? Also, how do you create disambiguation pages on this neopedia? Id like to make one for the wheels im editing at the moment. Thanks. --Lewisg 08:29, 8 Nov 2006 (CST)

As i am the head admin of the neodex, i'm the one to contact about being an administrator. And creating a disambiguation page is just like creating a normal page, which links to all the other articles which have "disambiguaty", and link to the Disambiguation category. Look in their for examples of them. --Jacob 17:54, 8 Nov 2006 (CST)

Current Events

Its the 17th and we still have the October calender >_> 13:23, 17 Nov 2006 (CST)

wow. thank you for pointing that out. :D no, we are in November now, as the dates in the "calender box" show. i just forgot to change the month title. Again, thank you. *thumbs up* --Jacob 18:10, 17 Nov 2006 (CST)

Taking the Next Step

Hola Jacob :) Now that NeoDex has a decent amount of articles, and in light of your recent news post, I think NeoDex is ready to take the next step, but this is of course whether you're comfortable with it :)

I think it's a great time now to start "invading" the Neopets community by opening up affiliation opportunities with NeoDex itself. I've started doing that with http://www.pinkpt.com/neopool/

What do you think? --Yukio 19:56, 18 Nov 2006 (CST)

I'm a little confused by the affiliations you speak of, as you make it sound like the NeoDex and Neopool are seperate from PinkPT, when in fact they are sections and departments of the same area. Wouldn't it be simpler to have all affiliations be with PinkPT itself? --Jacob 22:06, 18 Nov 2006 (CST)
Yep that already occurs, but allowing section affiliation (essentially sections that are large enough to be identified as their own stand-alone site) allows added exposure for not only PPT has a whole, but also that section itself. Your call. --Yukio 22:54, 18 Nov 2006 (CST)


Understand that I do not wish to undermine you for a moment, but taking into account what you posted as news on PinkPT recently about whether some editors of the Neodex had been banned through ignorance rather than malicious intent, don't you think giving someone 20,000 hours for adding a emoticon to an article to be something of an overkill? Especially when someone who added a advertising image got only 24...? --Macbeth 12:04, 10 Dec 2006 (CST)

Touche. You are right on that. I'm pretty random with the bannings, aren't i? What would you reccomend? --Jacob 15:36, 10 Dec 2006 (CST)

Well, we really should sort out some sort of vandalism scale, with suggested hours for each level of vandalism noted, rising for repeat offenders within a range of hours per crime. Probably as part of Neodex:Banning...

Let me see what I can come up with... --Macbeth 11:28, 11 Dec 2006 (CST)

It's easy to spot vandalizers. people who just post smileys or say "hi" are part of it, though they may be unintentional, and "seeing for themselves" if they can REALLY type in whatever they want and show it to the world. so i guess people who do things like that should at least receive some warning instead of complete banning (unless, of course, they do it to several pages, and should really know better). next higher offender would be those who upload content for the purpose of advertizing their account. the worst offenders are those who place malicious or abhorent material on articles (spam links, or random wiki code with no data in them). So i suppose a system could be written around those levels, yes?
out of curiousity, would you think it proper to look through all the currently blocked IPs in reguards to this, and unblock a few? --Jacob 12:37, 11 Dec 2006 (CST)


I just didn't know who to speak with so I speak with you. Your user page says that you know a bit HTML. Do you know the HTML-wiki-converter? I thought it might be helpful. --Demon 13:12, 11 Dec 2006 (CST)

Thank you for the link. this is a very helpful teaching tool. It can allow those who understand html to understand wiki markup better (and vice versa), and allow faster conversion of data. while looking into this, i found other helpful tools as well. Lots of things to look into. Again, thank you. *bows* --Jacob 14:55, 11 Dec 2006 (CST)

Your edit to Galem

I do not get the edit to Galem. You said it was "vulgar" what was that? Also, it looked like Galem lost his heart to me, look closely at the silliouette. --Unsigned by 00:55, 12 Dec 2006

It's nothing more than the artists whim, similar to the switching of the jaw colour with Darigan. Also, Neopets would never visibly show something like that to users, especially when the image is right there in fron of us. Seriously, why would the TNT show that to a mostly younger crowd? They wouldn't. exactly. you can look into it all you want, but that didn't and couldn't happen. --Jacob 19:29, 11 Dec 2006 (CST)
His death seems that was to me. 13:45, 12 Dec 2006 (CST)