On the Trail of Mari_Jhane by ChromeFox

Message from the webmaster, please note, by placing this here, I am not taking sides or stating who is right or wrong. This is simply a story I found very intriguing from an outsider perspective. This is in no way an attempt to slander Mari_Jhane or Neopets.

Here’s my story. I know it’s long, but I think you’ll find it interesting. It’s a true story that, unfortunately, happened to me.

***Before I begin, I have a few things to say. First off, keep in mind that these events occurred over a year ago when Neopia was much younger. Things were much different on Neopets than they are today. Second, I want to say that everything here is true, just as I remember it. Some of it may sound unusual and difficult to believe, and I even had trouble believing it as everything rolled out before me. Sit back, because this is a very long and very strange story, and I hope it never happens again.***

A Very Faerie Story by shazshowerbath


The Good Guys:

-Fyora the Queen of all Faeries
-Illusen the Earth Faerie
-Joan the Light Faerie
-Marion the Air Faerie
-Phoenix the Fire Faerie
-Aurora the Water Faerie
-Taelia the Snow Faerie
-The Soup Faerie

The Bad Guys:

-Jhudora the Dark Faerie
-The Shadow Usul

Other characters also include random Neopets who meet with or know the main characters (good or bad)

A chain blasted through the hallway and wrapped around the little Kacheeks neck. He couldnt breathe.
Youre late. A voice said.
I (gasps) Im sorry-y your highness choked the Kacheek.
The chain squeezed harder and the Kacheek passed out.
Two mutant Neopets picked up the Kacheek and cast him outside into the clouds towards his doom below

The Return of a Scammer by Dreamer4284

Hi. My name is Dreamer4284, a faithful Neopian. Although you probably dont know me, I am here to tell you my story. It is long, so sit back and relax.

One fine Sunday morning, I was chatting with my friend on AIM. We were having a good time, when all of a sudden she starts laughing! She said that she was chatting with a scammer, and was having a little *fun* with them. So, I decided that I wanted to have a bit of fun myself. So I asked her for the screen name, and she told me it was FlyBabi5. Then, my friend told me that the PERSON WHO SHE WAS CHATTING WITH HAD SAID SHE WAS GUCCI_MAMA and guess what I had just read that morning: yup, that is right the article here on pinkpoogletoy about the girl who had gotten scammed by this same person. Obviously, the same scammer goes around telling people that she is gucci_mama, when she is plainly not, just so it looks like she has a lot. That REALLY made me want to have a word with this loser. So, I began to chat.