Mootix Drop Cheats

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While free falling during any mission in a campaign (not the Single Drops) click restart until you run out of lives and it’s game over. Harry will keep falling and eventually bounce. Harry will then fly up again and reveal the whole room! – Dongocat85

Mootix Surprises

Upon selecting your difficulty level, you are brought to the screen where you select your drop. Using the arrow keys, push up and down. You will notice that one of a variation of 6 petpets appears. If you enter the correct combination of characters a surprise will happen! – Mootix

Mootix Drop Secret Combinations


25,000 Neopoints in 1 Day by Anonymous

I have read all of the guides for making NPs, but they all expect so much of you. I am not good at flash games, those do not work for me. All of those “Make 1,000,000 NPs in a month!” involve me getting tops scores at all the games. I can’t do that. So here is a guide for people who suck at the games, but want money.

First off, auctions are your friend. Surf the latest auctions for things like nerkmids, faeries, codestones and rare plushies. If you try hard to get 5 of them, it’s likely you’ll be the top bidder on one. Wait until the last second to offer and then put in your bid. Make sure it’s high enough, so estimate what you think it’ll be at by the time you put in your offer. Then sell higher. On this alone, I make about 10k a day.

The Pink Poogle Toy Show 26: The Neopets Scams Edition

From the desks of Kym, Dave, Evan, Jonny, Demon and Siobhan come this full-rostered episode which breaks the record for longest running episode ever. Full of hilarity and fun (make sure you check out the bloopers reel afterwards), this episode talks about scams on Neopets and how to avoid them, some background history of famous Neopets hacking, the concept of petpetpets and petpets, PPT’s upcoming changes, previous episode comments, an interview with the creator of Subeta Keith Kurson, and the free preview of The Pink Poogle Toys’ new song called Trollin’.

Defender Trainer Solutions by lucy5ive

The following is a list in alphabetical order of all the neopets, petpets and items found in the game. The numbers represent how many letters are in their names. The game requires you to identify which neopet, petpet or item corresponds to which clues, and this complete list of all the answers which appear will surely help you out!

Acara5 Aisha5
Blumaroo8 Bruce5 Buzz4
Chomby6 Cybunny7
Elephante9 Eyrie5
Gelert6 Grarrl6 Grundo6
Jetsam6 Jubjub6
Kau3 Kacheek7 Kiko4 Koi3 Korbat6 Kougra6 Krawk5
Lenny5 Lupe4
Meerca6 Moehog6 Mynci5
Peophin7 Poogle6 Pteri5
Scorchio8 Shoyru6 Skeith6