Exclusive: Interview With Evan

Today I sat down with Evan to see what I could find out; a lot actually. Who knew that Evan is a champion wrestler … or that his mum’s name is Cande? Not me that’s for sure until today! Co-hosting with me for a while now on The Pink Poogle Toy Show, Evan gives us the complete 101 on his life as a student, tech-school junkie, sports fanatic and his upcoming audition for a play.

Spotlight on Evan

How did you get started at The PPT Show?

Well, I started working for the PPT as a TCG writer. The podcast at the time only had a few episodes. I asked Kym about the podcast, and he’d said they were going to record a new episode soon (at this point it had been a while since episode 4 had been released). I asked if I could host and he said sure.

What is your favorite memory?

On the podcast? Or in real life? Well, on the podcast my favorite memory would have to be all the hilarious times we had in the early episodes. Even when I listen to those old episodes today I still crack up!