Inuyasha’s Dubloon Disaster Guide by Inuyasha

Welcome to Inuyasha’s Dubloon Disaster guide for you cheaters out there! Okay, when you play this game you have to realize that only one whirlpool may appear. Type in the cheat scallywags to get it out of the way.

The goal

Ok most of you know what to do right? Well for those who have never even tried the game all you have to do is collect as many dubloons as you can without being killed by the mines. Although getting the 1k from the game may be good, most of us Neopians set our eyes on that shiny avatar… right? Well that is what I am here for. Just read through this and you will have no problem reaching that 800 point mark 😉

Dubloon Disaster Cheats

Increase your chances of getting a 100 dubloon coin

Type “blackpawkeet” during game play, this increases your chance of getting a 100 dubloon coin in Dubloon Disaster. – knd1994123

Create a whirlpool

If you type scallywags in Dubloon Disaster, you can create a whirlpool but this can only be used once per game. – lijiansheng92

Dubloon Disaster Guide by exclamationpoint91


Bronze 2 pts
Silver Skull 5 pts
Silver X 10 pts
Silver Moon 20 pts
Silver Clouds/Skull 50 pts
Gold X 100 pts
Silver X/Gold Ring 200 pts

Game Explanation:
Dubloon Disaster is simple all you really have to do is steer the little boat around the mines which are always moving toward you. They also move faster toward you as they get closer to you. You are trying to collect as many coins as possible. They will pop up one at a time. You don’t have to run over the coin to get it just get close.

The Secret to Making 2 Million Neopoints a Month by DragonDoodies

Bag of neopointsSo you’re wondering, how can I be serious? Well how do you think the neorich got neorich? It’s really quite simple. This guide will teach you how to make at least 1 million NP / month, 2 or more if you put the time in.

The first thing you need to make neopoints is… neopoints!

In addition to all the free dailies, there’s a handful of games I keep on my favorite list. I hardly play them now, but when I started up they came in handy to raise revenue.

All of these games earn quick and big NP. For more information on strategy for these games, look at the relevant guides under the game section of PPT.

Dubloon Disaster: Behavior of Mines by Mark Ellis

This is a guide for those who can’t seem to stop hitting the mines. This explains why they follow you and ways to use it to your advantage.

OK, basically the point of the game is to collect the coins that drop out of the boat but not to be hit by the heat-seeking mines.

First of all the mines are not heat-seeking, the tactic they use on following you is biased on the gravity-well property. You’ve probably seen this in many boring physics videos about black holes and such. Just imagine your boat is a black hole and that all the mines are not following you, they are “falling” into the well. This is why they go faster the closer they get to you and why the ones at the other side of the screen don’t seem to move at all.