Care and Feeding

Like sunlight is to tree, food is necessary for neopets (unless you like to see your neopet described as ‘starving’ – bad!). Part of the duties you have as an owner, is to make sure your neopets are well fed and looked after. However, did you also know that certain neopets have certain special effects from eating various types of food? For instance, no matter how hungry your Kau may be, if it eats any milk related product, it will instantly fill itself full.

If not properly cared for and neglected, neopets can get sick, ranging from flu-like symptoms to more serious illnesses such as the neopox. Additionally, what you feed your neopet should be carefully monitored, as some neopets are allergic to certain types of foods.

You can tell if a neopet is sick by looking at its quick reference page (the page where you can change your active pet) or the pet’s search information page. They will either appear wrapped in bandages and looking forlorn as they wait for you to provide them with medical attention.

An ill pet does not preform as well as a healthy pet. When a pet is ill, they are miserable and cannot fight in the battledome. So, when you do see that your pet is ill, make a note to purchase the medicine for their illness or go to the Healing Springs and and see if your pet can be healed that way.

10 thoughts on “Care and Feeding”

  1. Just some tips for the people that are pnroiug their hearts out because they don’t have a lot of neopoints (or paint brushes!) :1. Play key-quest. A lot of times you get codestones and/or neggs, which you can usually sell between 2-3k (2000-3000 np) And from the gold vault, ive even gotten 4 paint brushes (3 speckeld, 1 biscuit)!!! so play key-quest!!2.Play easy flash games like kass basher ( neomail me at bubbly__tea for info on how to get the bat!) fashion fever, adver video, wheel of slime and so on.3. Maybe have a supportive neofriend? I had one who made donations over 50000 np (thanks sirscooby77!!!) maybe i can be a supportive friend.just neomail me oh, and , check out my shop, if you will !!! (only petpets, and at a realllly cheap price!!!)

  2. Microsoft Surface Tablet is no match against the new iPad! I mean, Apple’s way ahead of this aspiring tablet. They should improve it a little better to compete IMO.Parnala recently posted..

  3. I’m afraid I do not know of any books dealing with this. But the question is a really good one. What was the historical approach to disciple making? I too am not ‘anti-bible’ – I just wonder if we have elevated a measurable thing, bible reading, to a place of disproportionate importance. Thanks for your thoughts.

  4. Another relevant and beautifully written post. You really do shine, Anne! Thank you for spotlighting Jeanne and Michael’s project, one which I also strongly believe in. I urge everyone to check out “IMPASSE” and to support this gorgeous project.

  5. There is a great saying I have always loved:“Happiness (or in your case, Success) is the true art of knowing when to be satisfied.”If everything you do all day long, all week long, week and week as work keeps you happy and satisfied, then you have achieved success in my book.Stacerella’s last blog post..

  6. Hola Rosa, No es necesario realizar ninguna inscripción solamente entrar en el blog para ver las entradas de los monitores, pero existe la posibilidad de recibir todas las entradas que se vayan publicando en el blog en el correo electrónico. Para recibirlas debes suscribirte en la columna del margen derecho del blog y hacer clic en el apartado seguir el blog por email.

  7. they’re assuming a like 90% Tofurkey-based diet, which I think is unfair. This. This this this-y this. I think that it is really hard for many people who have spent their whole lives constructing meals around a central protein to imagine how you would do it any other way (this was definitely something that came up a lot when I was eating with P and his German family a lot last year.) So I think that really leads to the assumption that your meals look just like theirs, except with an enormous tofu loaf at the center of a platter or something.

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