Category talk:Battledome Opponents

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Quote Categories[edit]

What is the importance/difference between the "win" and "lose" categories and the "After Win" and "After Lose" categories, respectively? Seems that the quote you get when you win and it says, "You have beaten 'Challenger Name'! You have won this fight!" is just a random quote, and the next page (presumably the "after W/L") has the Challenger's true statement... can we just get rid of one of each pair, since the former seems a redundant repition of the in battle quotes list? -Cath 05:23, 20 Sep 2007 (UTC)

"You have beaten 'Challenger Name'! You have won this fight!" is not the quote we are looking for in the Win or Lose section (or any section). It's the quote he makes at the "trophy screen" where he either laughs at the user (a Lose quote), or whines for losing (a Win quote). "After Win" and "After Lose" are the quotes the challenger makes when the user faces off against the challenger at the beginning of the match, either after a loss or win against it (and yes, that does happen. see Grarrg and Macabre Stones). Do you understand? --Jacob 04:34, 21 Sep 2007 (UTC)
Gotcha... you mean when you start a new battle after having beaten or lost to him/her before. I so rarely fight that I've never noticed this. Thanks for a clarification... is there perhaps a better name for this section or somewhere it can be described so it's more understandable? Maybe a shorter version of First quote in a new battle after winning/losing the previous one. HAHAHA. Thanks for filling me in. -Cath 05:22, 21 Sep 2007 (UTC)
Well, I'm hoping an explanation of the quotes and about 1-player challenging in general will be made out in 1-Player Challengers (probably needs a different name to me more uniform for what it's supposed to be). And maybe it could be called "Returning after Win/Loss"...I don't know. I've been making it it as it's gone along, and you are perhaps the first to really ask about it...I think... *scratches head* :S --Jacob 15:21, 21 Sep 2007 (UTC)