susannahmio wrote:
Cranberry wrote:
Moonlight Flower wrote:
stampsyne wrote:
Maybe... just maybe.. the grey Draik will finally be released? *crosses fingers*
I'm sorry to report this, but I asked a staff member and for reasons she couldn't go into, the grey draik (and faerie eyrie) will never be released, at least not as we saw them.
There is a chance they could be redrawn and released in the future. That's all I know about it.
Well that totally sucks! What was wrong with them, they were both very nice looking pets.
I agree and disagree. Faerie eyrie was nice, but I bit to the girl side. But looking at other faerie pets...nothing wrong with it. Now grey draik. Maybe others aren't looking at it like I am, but it's full of drawing flaws. Proportion errors, large forehead on the side was simply horrible, art-wise. I'm glad it might get revamps cause I personally though whoever draw it wasn't trying their best. It was easy to see the error,but then again...some
old pet poses were horible off portion.
*shrugs* I'm a picky person,so sorry if I offend grey draik fans. I'm happy for the news on it,but faerie eyrie didn't deserve this....faerie hissi did! mwhahaha!
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