Amaya shortly found her way to her room in the living quarters section and entered, looking briefly around at the uninspired furnishings. Oh well, it was the ship's hardware that was important. She pulled off her beat-up green jacket and tossed it onto the bed, walking over to where a flat-screened computer terminal sat on a small desk. She connected to the net and dialed.
A male of about 17 appeared on the screen. His silver-blue hair matched Amaya's exactly, but his was short and stuck out in all directions. “Hey 'Maya!” he said with a broad grin, “Look what I've found for us!” He held up a small, neon-green canister.
“Sorry Trell, but I can't,” she replied with a regretful smile, “I'm taking a trip.” Then she added in a hushed, conspiratorial tone, “To save humanity.”
“And that's more important than a co-ordinated colour change with your best friend?” he asked, pouting dramatically.
“I'm afraid so,” she said, nodding gravely, “So there's some stuff I need you to do: unenroll me for starters, oh, and see if you can get me a refund on some of that tuition. Though, I've gotta tell ya, thanks to the folks at M.A.G.I., money is no longer much of a problem. And maybe pack me up some clothes and stuff, and send it over to headquarters.”
“Okay, will do,” he said cheerfully, “Now you take care of yourself, and don't go getting injured on this mission-whatsis.”
“You take care too,” she replied, “Don't do anything I wouldn't do!”
“Oh I can handle that,” he said with a smirk, before the screen went blank.
![Image]( Thanks to Kristina for the set!