Yeah, sure. Look! I just got a message from TNT, too:
I am sorry, but we cannot comment further on the cancellation of the Dr. Sloth plot. The lizard people have forced Adam into a treaty by signing an agreement to cancel any space-involved plots. I am sorry I cannot tell you more, but I fear I have said too much already.
See? I got an important email from the staff about something related to the site that no one else knows about as well! Aren't I speecial? Has anyone else gotten one?
Seriously, I doubt they would put that in a message to anyone or else someone else would have gotten it, too. I bet the support staff gets hundreds of neomails a day about NeoSchools and related items. If they sent that to one person, they would have sent it to many others. Since none of these other messages have turned up, I believe it is false. Even if the NeoSchools are delayed, the next magazine is supposed to have a sneak peak on them. The next magazine is already being worked on as the last one is put to print, so I'm guessing it wasn't suddenly trashed.