Timer doesn't go away for me, either, Blue. Lots of changes. Apparently, one person programmed the whole Quest Log thing (TNT Dingo), both front end and back end, and after having updated it recently, would rewrite it if there was time. I told Mr. P this and he was like, yep, that's how it goes sometimes.
New prize pool is out. I have mixed feelings on it. Only need two album items, and while they could've done amazing with the negg items this time around (for Easter), sadly I only need two for my gallery, and I expect prices on them will fall pretty quickly. Skarls Sword is an interesting weapon to have in there - I might get one just to have one.
I collected my last one from the previous pool yesterday. Today, I rolled a Reject Green Acara Plushie. Not something I have any interest in, so I rerolled and got a Water Paint Brush. Not realllly something I want, either, but it should hold its value and I don't have one in my P/B collection yet so I'm going for it rather than rerolling a ton - something that I do not want to do as the NPs involved will rack up fast.
When the paid reroll button appeared, we talked (all the kiddos and us) about the rerolling process, how frustrating it could be to constantly spend NPs and still not get what you wanted, etc, and what would be reasonable for rerolls. The agreement they came up with is that none of them will reroll more than 3 times: that's reasonable to make up quickly (it'd be 70k total) where as doing a 4th reroll would be 150k total and not as much as you'd earn from your 20k a day for completing all tasks for a week (assuming you got absolutely no other np prizes from dailies). I feel like they reasoned through that pretty well on their own!