My two cents:
I've been chugging along towards my next training goal (as I hit the one I wanted to before the plot restarted over a month ago, having worked hard to complete it ASAP in case things started back up in February), but I would actually prefer that we don't have to wait long enough for me to get there before it starts back up. I had kinda hoped this goal would be a "before the plot ends" type goal, not a "before it starts back up again."
I strongly disliked the fact that the Altador Cup ran as late as it did last year (having a huge chunk of it being in the standard school year), as it was realllly inconvenient on a number of levels, and I'd really prefer the plot to be done well before then again, too. Hopefully they'll pick up the pace of the story line so that it still finishes "on time" (whatever that finish date originally was - the FAQ said "Some seers have predicted it will end around a year later 2025, but no one really knows for certain!" which would be around June 17th, 2025). I'd far rather have things busy on Neo in June/July when we have less activities going on (as most activities line up with the school schedule) than once everything is back in the swing of things, because then the plot just becomes ONE MORE THING to try to cram in. Okay, also, I kinda want to just get a move on with the story. I hate sitting and waiting on cliffhanger type situations and it's been at least as long as than an old-school summer cliffhanger time frame for Star Trek TNG/DS9/VOY or something along those lines, if not longer!
If they do delay this until May (or later), what does that do to Festival of Neggs and Altador Cup? Will they also be delayed? Or cancelled? (They'd better not cancel my Negg Fest! Need. More. Neggs!) (I wouldn't cry if they cancelled Altador Cup. Truly.)
Sorry if I'm grumpy. Real life has been really difficult lately and I was actually looking forward to the plot coming back.
 Set by KiTeNcHeTu! Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!