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Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Thu Oct 22, 2020 3:38 pm

So... Did not spin yesterday.

Day 1, 0 matches, BLB, 4k.

Probably will not spin tomorrow, either.

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:48 pm

Day 3: match 2, 5k

0: 2 (4,000)
2: 1 (5,000)
3: 0
4: 0
Gift boxes:
BLB: Day
Total: 9,000

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:50 am

Oh no! We're all out of sync again! I've got thirteen days left. I finally got a match today - 19k! I guess that was day 12?

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:02 am

Yeah, I know. I got up this morning thinking... hmm. Did I spin yesterday. And the answer was "nope."

It had been a long week already. Took today off :)

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:01 pm

Day 4: match 3, 6.5k

0: 2 (4,000)
2: 1 (5,000)
3: 1 (6,500)
4: 0
Gift boxes:
BLB: Day
Total: 15,500

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:20 pm

Day 1 - 2 matches, 2k.

I may reset again in 12-ish days. or not.

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Sat Oct 24, 2020 10:28 pm

Day 5: match 2, 7k

0: 2 (4,000)
2: 2 (12,000)
3: 1 (6,500)
4: 0
Gift boxes:
BLB: Day
Total: 22,500

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:16 am

Hopefully you're enjoying the day off, Blue!

I got another match! 19k

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Sun Oct 25, 2020 10:40 pm

Day 6: no matches, 9k + gift box

0: 3 (13,000)
2: 2 (12,000)
3: 1 (6,500)
4: 0
Gift boxes: 1
BLB: Day
Total: 31,500

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:19 am

matched 2 again

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:35 pm

Day 7: match 2, 12k

0: 3 (13,000)
2: 3 (24,000)
3: 1 (6,500)
4: 0
Gift boxes: 1
BLB: Day
Total: 43,500

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:59 pm

....aand I missed yesterday as well. :x

I think I need a day or two to get things under control before spinning up again. Work is insanely busy right now, and a few of the "team" members need to get with the program. I seem to be getting spun up in all the wrong ways :(

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:31 pm

Aww, Blue. I hope things turn around for you soon.

19k for me today.
Edit: and 19k again.

8 days until 100k.

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:38 pm

Day 8: no matches, 11,875
Day 9: no matches, 21k (BLB)

0: 5 (45,875)
2: 3 (24,000)
3: 1 (6,500)
4: 0
Gift boxes: 1
BLB: Day
Total: 76,375

High on record: 463,750
Low on record: 451,375

Bummer that it's a rough week, Blue. :( I feel you. I've been dealing with snotty kiddos. One of them got a cold and shared it with the other, since they're buddy buddy. One is now over it but the second isn't. My third child, though, is still well and staying well away from the other two. Yay colds.

...we might all get reset for the time change as it is. Not sure if that'll happen or not?

Re: Trudy's Surprise (Slot Machine)! [Split 4 ever]

Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:58 am

Hope the kiddos get better soon, P.

18.5k today. I'll be lucky if I can spin tomorrow. The winds are already starting to pick up, so we might lose power before I wake up tomorrow.
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