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Re: GMC - Heroes Vs Villians

Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:26 pm

I had to play 11 today. I'm trying to get a spare stamp, but the price is already outrageous considering it's really not that hard to get one (especially if you've been participating in the GMC since the beginning).

Re: GMC - Heroes Vs Villians

Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:10 pm

I had quite a few to play as well, but I've done absolutely no "extras" - with traveling, etc, there was simply no free time. I'm done, all gold checks, though!

I'm not too surprised about the stamp price, Siniri. What with the "Other - II" album getting an avatar, ALL stamps, including event stamps, are now considered "fair game" for the chance of being used in a future avatar album. Before that, everyone kinda thought TNT wouldn't use an album with so many event prize stamps...but...they did. (And thankfully, right after I made sure I had all of them!)

Re: GMC - Heroes Vs Villians

Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:04 pm

I mean, I'm guilty of speculating on the stamp, too, but honestly, nearly everyone who cares about avatars got the stamp today - along with a good many who don't care. And it's not like people are joining the site in droves anymore, so the future market of the stamp seems limited.

The only people who would need one are those who lost their accounts through TNT's incompetence, and most of them are too disillusioned to start rebuilding at this point. Seriously, is anyone under the delusion that the site will be resurrected?

[/doom and gloom] I seriously don't know why I'm still even playing...

Re: GMC - Heroes Vs Villians

Wed Nov 30, 2016 2:49 pm

Woah, Ms. Doom and Gloom. Way to be cheerful. :P

To top it off, it would appear that Team Villains won.

Here's a laugh... I just discovered where the gold check marks are... I had not clicked the "progress" button until just now :lol:

11/30 Update: Prizes are out. Since Team Heroes came in 2nd place, we received a Silver Trophy and a Confetti Cleanup kit. And six more items :)

Re: GMC - Heroes Vs Villians

Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:24 pm

Managed to buy a second stamp and scarab (as well as doubles of all the books, of course). I feel like JS stepped up their art game a bit with most of the prizes; the book and potion are especially pretty.

Re: GMC - Heroes Vs Villians

Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:13 pm

Overpaid for doubles of the stamp and scarab, and books, but I got extras of each. That is to say, ones that aren't already in my album. :)

...Go figure that I picked the losing team again. Ah well. The silver looks nice next to last year's silver, since for some reason, it got put to the left of my DD trophy this year, and is now right next to last year's GMC trophy.
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