Congrats, Siniri!
And Woot! You inspired me to give that one a go, and I'm happy to say I was able to add it to my list! (The trick is to get the right color and clear the whole board as many times as possible on the first two levels - those 50 point super bonuses help a LOT.)
...along with getting the Count Von Roo avvie back last night (this morning?). Mr. P reminded me that we do have a laptop and wireless, and I wouldn't necessarily have to even get out of bed. I figured it was a win/win situation - if I lost a level, I could use the Space Faerie quest on her, if not, she still gained another level that I wouldn't have to train. In the end, I got the avvie back and 2 levels (out of the 3 she can have right now) and the quest went to my "backup" training pet.
Add this to the spurt of luck I've had with training bonuses and other faerie quests in the last two days (got another random one today - battle faerie, even!), and I'm only 3 days (at most) away from hitting the next training bracket! Then training will slow down a LOT. Especially since I still need to restock on codestones, heh. Getting closer to my training goal, though, yay!
ETA: Restocked on codestones, finally. That ouched a bit, 2 mil again and I still had 6 Zeds and a couple Mags. Ah well.
Gloat: Training my last level on my current training bracket (HPs are already trained, plus I delayed a day by refusing a training asking for 3 Zeds, too pricey for me!). Tonight, I start the next bracket!

Only...266 trainings (hopefully less) until I hit my training goal!