Yay for free training. I guess it helps with levels for my labbie?
I never understood why after all these years, only the lower-level pets got free training. I guess TNT has always assumed that those of us with higher level pets can just afford it (hah!). Ah well. I'll take my labbie anyways.

No luck for Buried Treasure for me yet, either. I've gone twice, will be going again shortly. But then, I had two wins on it yesterday (500 and 2k), so I'll be surprised if I find anything again today.
I miss how the Wheel of Excitement used to be free today and half off tomorrow. When they did the wheels revamp, they didn't program that in.
I've gotten 2 REs already, as well - one pointless one, and one Bri Codestone. Yay birthday sidebar. Er. Site theme.
At least it didn't seem like there were any bugs with any of the special things though, this year. IIRC, the free training didn't work for a while last yet.
ETA: Water Faerie quest RE, woot!