If you have a gallery, you could get some items that fit your gallery theme. Or if you like customization, something for your pet (or your neohome). NC expires in 1 year, so make sure you pay attention to that, but you don't have to rush to buy anything now -- new things are constantly being added (and old things go on sale -- so you can get more "bang for your buck").
I've used my free NC to buy items for my sand/beach-themed gallery. Like Ginny said, it's all up to you what grabs your fancy. Just make sure you really really like it, because you can't sell/trade/give it away. And make sure you do pay attention to that expiration date, because otherwise they'll pick the ugliest items in the NC mall and give them to you...
(You can find the expiration date by going to the NC mall, clicking on NC account (in the yellow sidebar towards the bottom), then Neocash log.)
Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!