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Re: Twilight

Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:52 pm

NOOO. How dare they re-cast Taylor? Grr, I'm mad now.

Re: Twilight

Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:09 pm

Katherine wrote:NOOO. How dare they re-cast Taylor? Grr, I'm mad now.

WHAT SHE SAID! But I suppose it makes sense. He has to grow loads. :P

Re: Twilight

Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:12 pm

Helena wrote:
Katherine wrote:NOOO. How dare they re-cast Taylor? Grr, I'm mad now.

WHAT SHE SAID! But I suppose it makes sense. He has to grow loads. :P

Because he sucks at acting and should seriously consider another profession.

Re: Twilight

Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:15 pm

(Most teenage girls don't care if he can act, as long as he's cute)

I was wondering how they'd do the growing thing...

Re: Twilight

Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:20 am

Twilight...I'm definitely not a fan, but I can admit it's an interesting book. I guess my problem with it is that Stephanie Myers ignores all folk lore about Vampires, yet creates a vampire. I know that Vampires are fake, but if she just said it was called...oh a Rofmark or something random like that I might have enjoyed it. I mean...
they sparkle instead of bursting into flames? That's where she lost me.

As for the movie v. book adage of year in and out, movie, for this case. I felt that the first 400 pages of Twilight were just fluff. The movie moves quickly through the boring Belle swooning bit and hits the meat of the story pretty straight on.

Re: Twilight

Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:54 am

This film sucked. It wasn't even bad enough to go full circle and be good again. It just sucked

Where were all the lulz from the books?! Gutted.

Also, everyone at school lunch was just eating salad?! Mmm, snacking on celery sticks. Those sure are some typical teenagers.

And Robert spent the entire film either looking confused or like he had some really bad wind.

Re: Twilight

Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:37 pm

A buddy of mine had a bootleg and we spent an entire evening laughing ourselves sick. Did anyone else notice RPatt's striking resemblance to Derek Zoolander?

Re: Twilight

Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:52 pm

Fiddelysquat wrote:A buddy of mine had a bootleg and we spent an entire evening laughing ourselves sick. Did anyone else notice RPatt's striking resemblance to Derek Zoolander?

*high five*

I've seen the movie twice now because I honestly think it's so bad, that it's funny. :lol:

Re: Twilight

Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:24 pm

I was in tears of laughter during the sped-up scenes. And omg, when they all jumped together...


The baseball was also hilarious. I mean, it's better than the book at any rate, because the book didn't make me laugh. It just made me deeply depressed that someone was actually making money off of it.

Re: Twilight

Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:11 pm

Haha - I went back to the cinema by myself to see it again... and I'll get the dvd when it comes out. :D

Re: Twilight

Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:17 pm

Fiddelysquat wrote:And omg, when they all jumped together...

Oh my word, when that happened all I had were visions of Captain Planet and the Power Rangers doing crack together going through my head. IT WAS AWESOME. :lol:

I think what was even more loltastic was the 80's flashback piano scene. That and Taylor Lautner's wig.

Re: Twilight

Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:15 am

3lla wrote:That and Taylor Lautner's wig.

I think everyone agrees with that.

Re: Twilight

Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:32 pm

No offense to Twilight fans, but I thought it was terrible, same as the book. I don't declare it, because I'm surrounded by rabid fans who all practically worship Twilight and want to be carried away by a vampire.

..I hated Eragon, too.

Re: Twilight

Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:25 pm

draconis wrote:I don't declare it, because I'm surrounded by rabid fans who all practically worship Twilight and want to be carried away by a vampire.

ME TOO *High five* It's just like... everyone's reading the book... and they call themselves Mrs Cullen... and they love the movie... and they have pictures of Edward in their lockers... I mean, jeez. :roll:

Re: Twilight

Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:06 am

I think one of the weirder moments of my happened last week when, in the class I have a bit of my clinical in, I was reading a profile thing of one of the students. One of the questionsasked "What are three of your favourite things?" and one of the 10 year old girls answered "Edward Cullen."

I died a little that day.
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