Siniri wrote:
To see when you got your points, in the mall on the left hand side (yellow sidebar), if you click on "NC Account," you'll get the choice for "NeoCash log" -- that'll tell you when you got your points. I won some from Expellibox on 11/30/07 (I think within a month or two of Expellibox's release -- haven't won any since). On 4/10/08, I got "free NC" (first giveaway, I think).
Thanks for explaining this, I didn't realize that that was a feature.
I suppose i need to start planning a purchase to use up the free neocash I have that will expire in April of next year.
As to why they set up the expiration rate I would assume it's to make sure that they can know all cash purchased by X date would be out of the system a year from that date. That might make it easier for them to change how NC is purchased or something like that. It also lets them limit how much free NC is in the system at once (not considering the Expellibox) so that users who dont' buy cards will never have enough free money to buy certain items. It might also make it easier for them to shut the mall down at some point.
I do think it's a shady business practice though, particularly since the cards are sold in round number denominations so you have to buy 500 NC to purchase a 350 nc item and then you'll have money left over that expires and can only be redeemed in the NC mall.