Happy New Year Yall
1: Don't die (doing good so far!)
The standard ones aside.
1: Go to the Gym, or bike ride, or power walk. Anything at all, that leads to me getting into shape. I have a good BMI (A little on the thin side actually) but I'm about as fit as a... My simile fails me, something that's quite unfit at any rate.
2: Get out and be atleast a little more sociable (The loneliness is actually killing me)
3: Find a way to better curb my... Abrasive, nature. - I am seeing people about this, but I know that they alone can't change this in me, I have to want it.
4: Finish painting.. anything. At all. Chaos Army is preferable.
Silly 1: Well, I'm still alive, or at any rate Undead, so We'll count that.
Silly 2: Obvious failure. I'll get you yet Gadget Boy!
1: Kinda... Not a total white-wash of a failiure, but I am distinctly unfit.
2: Fail'D spectacularly. Due to a bad relationship, I'm even worse.
3: Unparalleled success
Due to medication granted, but bother that, I'm counting it.
4: Damn...
New ones, yay.
1: Don't die.
Always has to be there.
2: TRY and become sociable, just a little bit, one more friend as good as the one [real friend] I have will be granted a massive success.
Loneliness is a real killer.
3: Push my luck a little more and beat my failings once and for all.
Basically what I think is keeping me back, a combination of a low self esteem, massive ego and Agoraphobia.
The ego is endearing at times (Honestly
) but could do with some.. trimming.