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Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:54 am

Night 14

Pixa felt perfectly safe in Bree behind the tall gates and all the buildings around him. Certainly nothing would be able to reach him here! He was enjoying the fresh air when he decided he ought to go in to avoid the rain that the thunder he could hear overhead would bring. Before he could make it in, the gates came crashing down as a few oliphants came barreling through Bree, right over him and through the town. He never even had a chance to try and prove that he could be a good sprinter. It also appears that he dropped a package when being kicked around.

Rachel was jarred out of sleep fairly early in the evening, experiencing a nightmare about strange people doing terrible things to her teeth sleep. Alarmed, she was unable to go back to sleep and was not quite at top form the next day.

Pixa was attacked by oliphants. He was
Gimli, the all-around useful dwarf.
Rachel is terrified. She may not use any Special Powers for the next day and night cycle.

Day 15 begins.

Players still in Middle-Earth: 11 Majority Single: 6 Majority Double: 9

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:57 am

Vote: Rachel
Vote: Miyu

Ammer probably has some protection.

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:58 am

*picks up package*?

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:00 am

It's yours.

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:03 am

Why would Ammer have protection?
Vote: Ammer
Vote: Rachel

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:09 am

From being rezzed, I thought?

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:13 am

Vote: Miyu
Vote: Rachel

Location: Mordor

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:20 am

Well, voting for me does seem like a horrible welcome.

I say y'all unvote and let's just keep what's in the past in the past!

I mean, how many of you actually knew I was evil? I could say that some of you had an inkling that I was evil and refused to mention it on the thread.

So this whole "circle of innocents" is consequently laughable. Because I know some people in that circle who knew I was evil or had a strong feeling I was and refused to say anything.

But I'm just a baddie so what do I know? ;)

Oh, and what happened to Ange? Wasn't she supposed to "prove" her role? Is she actually good or just lying?

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:05 am

Vote: Miyu
Vote: Rachel
Location: The Same

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:22 am

Resurrections coupled with protection, isn't a must. It depends on the host.
Even if he had protection, a cycle of protection? A full twenty-four hours? Two cycles? The end of the next night?

He was resurrected towards the end of Day 14.
IF he had 24 hours of protection, then it would be up before the end of Day 15 (toDay.)
If he had a full cycle, then it would be what - Night 14 and day 15? The rest of Day 14 and Night 14?
Baddie held resurrections, are more commonly without a protection, than is an innocent held resurrection.

If you have a high inkling that he does have protection - then you are probably one responsible, or in the know of it.

You haven't answered my question Nikita.

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:27 pm

If we're going for double execution, we need to make up our mind now.
Let's look at things objectively. Ammer might or might not have protection. On the other hand, both Miyu and Rachel survived execution last night so they probably used up whatever protection they had. I suggest we go after them first and leave Ammer be until tomorrow.

Vote: Miyu
Vote: Rachel
Move to: Lorien

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:21 pm

Sorry Miyu, I totally missed it.

First off you have been dreamed evil (and so far the dreamer has not yet been wrong). Also when asking on the thread to role trade, you were one of the only ones to not PM me (aside from DM who turned out to be evil). Other than that, I just have a gut feeling that I can't trust you. Sorry? lol Feel free to prove me wrong. :) I welcome PMs from everyone.

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:51 pm

Stay: Rivendell

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:58 pm

Move: Fangorn Forest
Vote: Miyu
Vote: Rachel

Heh, sorry, but with the dreamer on you... and both surviving execution? It doesn't really seem like you could be innocent. :P

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:52 pm

Ok, voting for someone who is under general anaesthetic and having teeth ripped out is just plain old mean!

Candy Corn Twiz wrote:Heh, sorry, but with the dreamer on you... and both surviving execution? It doesn't really seem like you could be innocent. :P

tbh tho, nearly every innocent that's been attacked has survived their first attack, so it doesnt necessarily mean someone's evil if they survive execution.

anyway, was just popping on to check up on the thread, i probably won't be online much today - i still bear a remarkable resembelance to a hamster.
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