Pfff.... Let's think, think again.
I can't really think of something wrong I did, a year or so ago I got a few days frozen because I think I refreshed too fast in shops... The days after that I thought: why is nothing in the neopia shops? Is there a bug? I asked on the boards, I know I may not refresh too fast now, I didn't use something like an auto-refresher though (they're not even availible for somebody with an Apple computer lol).
I remember I lost my old account becuase my password didn't work anymore, lucky me: I didn't had something really worth it. So I signed up, but this time in a higher age class so I could neomail and so (I don't live in the US, so sending a letter with that your parents give you permission and so, I don't know if it's still that). So I was 11 or 12 when I started playing, wow! I'm 15 now. Lol, I'm playing too much. No, I have a couple of months not played, I'm usually totally playing in holidays.
But I'm talking too much, my biggest mistake. I hacked somebody in my first months as player (on my old account -- doesn't excist anymore, don't report me)

She was using the same loginname and password, stupid! I'm sorry know, but she wouldn't read it because she never knew who hacked her. I'm sorry, kick me, but I read an article about how many people were using the same password as loginname, so I couldn't try it a couple of times and I already was in an account
I made profit yeah, A trans potion I still have in my SDB. That's it. Never made any mistake, my sister learned me everything I think.