Votes: Ammer (12): loser, Wind, DM, Nikita, Byakuya San, Ange, Rubywinged, Pixa, Rachel, machinedreams, Miyu, malibu Malibu (19): Siniri, loser, Wind, Regan, DM, Nikita, Byakuya San, Twiz, Ange, Rubywinged, Pixa, Rachel, Katherine, May, machinedreams, mysterious cloaked person, Miyu, Ammer, Jas No exec (1): Pardona
Execution, Day 8
Varda took the bow that Nienna had attempted to execute Malibu with the previous night as the crowd gathered. She looked around as everyone came up, chanting loudly, "Malibu, Malibu, Malibu!" There was a slightly lesser chant for Ammer, but it wasn't *quite* decisive enough for a doubled execution. Varda selected an arrow as several of the leaders of the chant moved Malibu to a large rock formation and tied her into place, then scampered back to the crowd. Everyone silenced - even Nienna stopped weeping for once - as Varda set the arrow, raised the bow, and aimed. As she released the bow, it turned white, shining with the light that she normally emitted. The arrow struck right on target. Malibu let out one final scream before she disappeared in a bright burst of white light.
Malibu was executed. She was Denethor, the evil Steward of Gondor.
The Steward has been defeated!
Players still in Middle-Earth: 24 Majority Single: 13 Majority Double: 18
Locations: the Shire: Twiz, Ammer Bree: Pardona, Byakuya San, Katherine Rivendell: loser, Rubywinged, May, Jas Moria: Rachel Lothlórien: Siniri, Wind Isengard: DM Fangorn Forest: Ange Minas Tirith: Nikita Helm's Deep: Regan Mordor: machinedreams, Miyu, malibu, Pixa
Currently missing locations: Chipper, Pink, Rox, Ooga
MC note: Jas told me who she was voting for/moving to 10 minutes before execution time, but that her computer was lagging, hence why it has been counted.
![Image]( Set by KiTeNcHeTu! Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!