Votes: malibu (19) - Ooga, Siniri, DM, loser, Wind, Nikita, Ammer, Rachel, Twiz, Pixa, Byakuya San, Katherine, Jas, Rubywinged, May, Ange, Alex, Chipper, machinedreams No exec (2) - Pardona, Regan
Players still in Middle-Earth: 26 Majority Single: 14 Majority Double: 20
Execution, Day 7
Varda stood at the center of Weathertop, looking at the crowd. There was only some doubt in the crowd, but it was minimal. Nienna was toying with the bow that Haldir had left behind. "Can I try this?" she asked, weeping. "You think you can manage to execute someone?" Varda asked, surprised, and raising an eyebrow. "Well, you haven't exactly been doing so well with your light thing," Nienna complained. Varda shrugged. "Okay, then. Go for it." Malibu was set against a stone, and Nienna raised the bow and aimed. The shot went somewhat wild, and ended up nicking Malibu on the shoulder. "Well, obviously YOU can't aim," Varda heckled.
Result: Malibu was executed, but survived.
Locations: the Shire: Ammer, Rubywinged Bree: Pardona, Byakuya San, Katherine Rivendell: loser, Miyu, Jas, Ange, Alex Moria: machinedreams Lothlórien: Wind, May Isengard: DM Fangorn Forest: Rachel, Twiz, Pixa, malibu Minas Tirith: Ooga, Nikita, Christopher, Chipper Helm's Deep: Mordor: Siniri
Missed locations: Pink, Regan, Rox
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