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 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:31 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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Apparently I have a cute sneeze.

I'm OCD about cleaning, but I'm also lazy, so there's a terrible balance with those ones.

Gone, forever.

 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:55 pm 
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Let' see...

I can't stand the announcements for any program, movie, or whatever on tv. I just mute the sound until the show starts, and turn the sound back on.
I'm not that particular about my food touching each other, but I always eat everything in order. So let's say fries with steak and vegetables. First I eat my fries, then my steak, then my vegetables. No idea why.
Apparently, when talking to people, I raise my eyebrows quite a lot without realizing it, which leads to people thinking I don't take them seriously.
Cracking knuckles. But I really should stop that, it's supposed to be really bad for your hands.
Talking out loud to myself all the time, even inside jokes when there's no one around to understand them...
Oh, and when talking, I make a huge point of making an 'introduction' for each simple question.
'Yeah, you know, there was this thing I've been meaning to ask you. You don't have too if it's too much trouble, but I was just wondering... ' By the time I get to my question I'm four or five sentences further.

*looks up at list* Yeah, I'd say I'm ready to be shipped to the looney bin. :P



 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:29 am 
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I just remembered another one about my food haha.
I always eat one thign at a time's very rare that i take a bite of one thing, and then switch to something else on my plate. I start one one thing, eat it all, then move on to something else on my plate.

I like all my money facing the same way.

And incase i didnt mention it before [sorry if i did] I HATE being late to things.

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 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:30 am 

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Erm well.
I constantly moisturize my hands and sanitize them too but I pretty much just do the minimum whatsoever to take care of my feet......errr....I'm quite particular about keeping my computers running fast and without any unnecessary files.
I also HAVE to make sure my wireless internet connection works like a beauty. I'm currently trying to set it up so that I can have a wireless internet connection throughout my whole house.

I'm a bit of a slob but I only ever keep one room in the house as tidy as possible. My studio/study, which I am currently trying to furnish aswell as fix the ceiling and add some curtains and wiring.

set by Sakura

 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:32 am 
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Oh, I must mention another one of my quirks.

Whenever I meet someone new, I always try to picture what the person will look like when s/he is old (if the person isn't old already). It's kind of fun. Sometimes I try to imagine what the person would look like if s/he was a drug addict. Mostly, though, it's just imagining the person old. It's pretty cool.

[Manufactured by Byakuya San]

 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 2:56 pm 
PPT Toddler
PPT Toddler

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Quirks... hmmm... never thought about it much but I'll think as I type.

I talk to thin air because I'm bored.
I lack the ability to tune anything out, much to my dismay.
I'm trying to make my capital D's look like triangles with a curved line.
I've got a jar of shredded (and clean) tissues with some cotton bits put into it.
I have my mouse wire wrapped around the jar.
When I sneeze, I try not to visibly look like I am sneezing. It often works, but I make a weird sound which I have yet to record and try to listen to what it sounds like.
I don't go outside a lot when I don't have school.
I put salt on my toothpaste sometimes.
Randomly, I will shake/tremble for no reason I can think of.
I can stuff ten grapes into my mouth at one time.
I say "okay then..." a lot.
Almost all the time when I'm on the internet, I have my e-mail opened up on a tab.
A lot of times, when people are laughing for some reason, I'm not part of the group of laughers.
When I wake up, I would stretch like a dog.
Nyahaha is what I try and make my evil laugh sound like.
People say my laugh is weird. I guess it is.
When I see a bug at home, I immediately get the Lysol and start spraying it like crazy. Then I'll use some other spray stuff to make sure it's dead. Finally, I (partially) clean it up.

Last edited by Xaidread on Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:18 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Packets of anything, ex: Noodles, must be opened right way up, that is, the words the correct way up. Similarly, fruit must be eaten right way up, that is, stem at the top. Also, tomatoes and cucumbers must be cut into slices, not halfs/quaters. Oranges and apples however must be cut into quaters and not slices. Salami must be eaten one slice at a time and chewed thoroughly to get full benefit of flavour. When having a full meal, generally eat everything else first, then the meat last. All dinners must include a fork on the plate, not that it is actually going to be used. Chocolate coated icecreams must have the chocolate eaten off first, then the icecream, almost regardless of structual integrity.

 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:13 pm 
Beyond Godly
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As someone mentioned previously. After working as a cashier for so long, I have to have all my money facing the same way.
I usually need to double check everything I do as a result of paranoia. Lights definetely off, door locked, safe locked etc.
I have three pairs of glasses and I wear them intermittedly depending on my mood.
I wear odd socks, not as a fashion statement or I think it's cute or whatever. I'm just too lazy to find a matching pair.
I'm really forgetful.

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 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 2:56 pm 
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I stand with my feet turned in a little bit.


 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:24 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Regan wrote:
Oh, I must mention another one of my quirks.

Whenever I meet someone new, I always try to picture what the person will look like when s/he is old (if the person isn't old already). It's kind of fun. Sometimes I try to imagine what the person would look like if s/he was a drug addict. Mostly, though, it's just imagining the person old. It's pretty cool.

No offense meant, but I don't think I ever want to meet you.

Another one of mine is remembering the most random facts (and actually mentioning them when they pertain to a conversation)... Things like: "Thomas Jefferson didn't want the presidency to be viewed as too uppity, so he wore his slippers to greet the French ambassador" or "Roman soldiers' daily rations consisted mainly of bread and olives" or "octopi are very intelligent and can learn by observation"

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 12:33 am 
PPT Baby
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Hmm. I have lots.

Tuning out everything when I'm listening to music, no matter how quiet.
I can "vibrate" my eyeballs. (don't ask)
Sticking out my tongue when I do just about anything.
I cannot raise my right eyebrow alone. It's impossible.
I read really really fast. (i.e. ~200 pgs in an hour)
I'm a chronic knuckle cracker.
I make random and weird noises when I'm doing just about anything.
I WILL NOT wear socks to bed. Period.
I'm a foot shaker. When I cross my legs, I shake whatever foot is in the air.
I like to lay backwards on my bed with my legs on the headboard.
I cannot have wrinkly sheets. I will not tolerate it.
In the winter, I have to have more than one blanket on my bed.
I stare. At anything. Randomly.
I mix the first letters of words or change words around. (i.e. The fence jumped over the horse.)
My eyes water when I drink pop.
Ok, I think that's enough. If I come up with more (which I will) I'll post them.

Set by Neko! (thankies)

 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 2:16 am 
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stephanie<3 wrote:
I can "vibrate" my eyeballs. (don't ask)

Me too! I can wobble them left and right. Wow, I'd forgotten I could do that, and I used to do that all the time.

"Oh, better far to live and die/Under the brave black flag I fly/Than play a sanctimonious part/With a pirate head and a pirate heart."

 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:43 pm 
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So someone just pointed out that a lot of times, I tend to dance around rather than walk. :roll:
Oh, and I tend to think of songs that go with situations, a lot.
I run my fingers through my hair or sit on my hands when I'm nervous.
Oh, and I noticed this earlier: Whenever I'm in class, I stack up all my books/folders/whatever for that lesson on the top-left corner of my desk, and THEY CANNOT BE WONKY. AT ALL. XD
And I have this obsessive thing whenever I eat apples. I always twist the stalk around so it comes off before I eat it. Everyone always thinks I'm doing the find-the-first-letter-of-your-lover's-name thingy. :P

I don't exist. omo

 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:55 pm 
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Christopher wrote:
Packets of anything, ex: Noodles, must be opened right way up, that is, the words the correct way up. Similarly, fruit must be eaten right way up, that is, stem at the top. Also, tomatoes and cucumbers must be cut into slices, not halfs/quaters. Oranges and apples however must be cut into quaters and not slices. Salami must be eaten one slice at a time and chewed thoroughly to get full benefit of flavour. When having a full meal, generally eat everything else first, then the meat last. All dinners must include a fork on the plate, not that it is actually going to be used. Chocolate coated icecreams must have the chocolate eaten off first, then the icecream, almost regardless of structual integrity.

You freak.

I always wear socks with things on rather than plain ones, not 'cause I'm mental, I just think plain socks are dull. Why wear black socks when you could wear pac man socks?


 Post subject: Re: Quirks
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:58 pm 
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I hardly ever wear socks that are the same, unless they would look really stupid if they weren't in a pair. I don't wear plain socks either!

I like wearing socks where there's a black one with white accents, and a black one with white accents.

And those are only my feet quirks.

Set by the amazing Kitten Medli.
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