That I have been here for over four years! I completely missed the four year mark on July 22nd. But better late than never, right?
It's so weird to think this but I have visited this forum almost every day for four years! That's more than a quarter of my entire life. Anyways, I think I owe a lot of things to PPT. It is the place where I first took an interest in graphics, it taught me, basically, internet etiquette. I can't imagine how I would act online if I had joined a runescape forum instead.
I've made some really cool friends here, although sadly, some of them seem to have disappeared off the face of the internet.
(Where in the world is Kugetsu?) Even after I stopped playing Neopets, (I seem to be one of the last to abandon that ship), I stayed. And now, I'm really happy to see that things seem to be picking up in activity again. WW games are running, etc.
I guess this is also kind of like an open thank you/love letter thread to PPT. And every single person who makes it a wonderful corner on the internet.