i've just put together a summary of the suggestions so far (i have removed a couple of particuarly vindictive ones). Does anyone have any suggestions on which ones should be included? I know some are funny, and some are unsuitable, but i'd like everyone's input if they want to. I also know there's some very similar ones in there, but i'm finding it hard to decide which of the pairs should be kept...
1. What to do when a glitch hits - a neopians guide to coping with the regular weekend downtime
2. 101 Reasons why TNT still hasn't finished Neoschools
3. 54 Reasons why Asparagus should be wiped off the face of the earth
4. Neopets: A hobby or a curse?
5. 10 Steps to Leaving Neopets and Never Returning?
6. Move over Dr Sloth! TCG is all the rage!
7. 100 excuses for neopets being down
8. 1000 Ways To Get Frozen (Not That You Need A Guide To Get Frozen)
9. 101 Reasons why this won't be in NT
10. 101 reasons why Neopia Is Flat.
11. 100 reasons why neopets wont admit to jelly world
1. coz it was adam's idea
2. coz it was adam's idea
3. coz it was adams idea...
12. Running a Joke into the Ground
The Neopian Way of Life
Chapter 1: Dung -- This (*stuff*) Never Gets Old
Chapter 2: Asparagus -- More of the Same (Just re-read Chapter 1)
Chapter 3: Snot -- The Other Green Meat
Chapter 4: Invisible -- Bet You Didn't See That One Coming
Chapter 5: Day 13 -- The Calendar Giveth, the Pant Devil Taketh Away
Chapter 6: Assigning Blame -- This Was Going to Be a Great Chapter, But the Garden Gnomes Caught NeoFlu, and Dr. Sloth Turned the Word Processor's
Clockwork into Sludge, and the Rest of Us Were Busy Playing a Tournament and Meeting Merchandise Contracts and . . . Here, Beat up This Pteri, if We Remember
to Tell You How
Bonus Chapter: Don't Worry, We'll Get Chapter 6 to You Soon, and It Will Be Uber-Cool
Chapter 7: -Blocked- -- A World Made of Jelly? I Suppose Next You'll Tell Us You Go There Daily for Free Food and Can Buy Things There and Play a
Game and . . .
Chapter 8: Guess What? -- One of the Possibilities in the Poll For How the Pet Should Look Is a Joke, Tee-Hee, Can You Tell Which One?
Chapter 9: We'll Give You a Hint -- It's the One We Pretend Is Winning, Tee-Hee
Chapter 10: Vomit -- The Next Big Color Makes a Splash
13. Ten Other Virtual Pet Sites For You To Defect To When You're Fed Up Of Neopets
14. Hey, That Looks Familiar: The Games Neopets Has Ripped Off and Where to Find Them
15. I would tell you the name of this article, but it's not been officially released yet
16. Curious Mynci and the Electrical Outlet
17. Where do Baby neopets Come From?
18. 101 Ways to Abuse the Request Forms
19. Fantastic Cheat Programs and Where to Find Them
20. 'I'm 11 and Pregnant' and Other Fun Things to Say on the Neoboards
21. Sloth and Jhudora: Forbidden Romance
22. How the Momocerous Mutilates its Prey
23. Submersive Advertising: New Age Brainwashing
24. Count Von Roo and the Mysterious Underwear
25. Hookin' Up on Neopets: An In-Depth Guide to Finding your Soul Mate
26. Neopets means never having to say you're sorry.
27. Why Neopets is Going Downhill
28. The Freezing System is Corrupt!
29. TNT's Lies Throughout the Ages
30. 101 Ways to Misuse Asparagus
31. 5 catch-all reasons why we'll say you were frozen, and 1001 ridiculously unfair reasons why you actually were frozen
32. Pretending to be Neostaff: how to do it convincingly
33. Buying all your plushies on eBay: how to avoid giving Neopets any money
34. 250 interesting ways to get round the neoboard filters while still getting your obscene message across
35. Real-life names and addresses of Neostaff, so you can hunt them down
36. Top ten reasons to avoid the message boards
37. Scamming 101
38. How to annoying top "Popular" neopian players!
39. Guide on Waiting for Neoschools
40. Why Adam Denies His Own Creation-Jelly World
41. How to Annoy TNT Into Releasing NeoSchools
42. How to Make Chain Letters
43. The evils of sponsors, a neopian's manifesto.
44. The New Member guide for 1337!
45. How to creat speling mistakse on porpuse!
46. The ultimate guide for abusing gliches!
47. 99 Good excuses for getting your fairly frozen account unfrozen!
48. 201 Different Ways To Spell PLeEZ
49. How To Beg Without Looking Like Begging
50. TNT's List Of Cool Places And Where Not To Find Them
51. How To Take Advantage Of Glitches Without Getting Caught
52. Site Seeing At Kiko Lake
53. 25 of the hottest new chain letters!
54. The trading post: How to make a bottle of sand look like a rod of supernova!
55. 100 of Neopia's most eligible bachelors!
56. The shocking truth behind the happy negg- not all filled with sunshine and rainbows.
57. How to Perfectly Sculpt A Dung Petpet"
58. The Horribly Drawn Darigan Poogle: Myth, Mistake, Or Misunderstood
59. King Skarl Removes Large Nail from Hide: Jester Avatar becomes Increasingly Popular
60. A Day at TNT HQ- What the NeoCam DOESNT Want You To See
61. How to make cheat programs and autobuyers
62. When Adam's cat took over his job
63. H0w 2 chatsp3@kz
64. Game Programming 101: How to ignore bug and glitches in old games, while making more sponser knock-offs