As of Tuesday, 4/29/08, Daily Dare prizes will have been out for 2 weeks, and yet MegaSuperb winners (those who beat AAA's scores for all 31 days) have not received their grand prize; we have our trophy and our Roothless prizes, but not the MegaSuperb prize. (Ultimate, Uberrific, and Spifftastic prizes have all been awarded already.) I've sent in a bug report and a question to the NT editorial (as have my fellow MegaSuperb-winning PPTers), but there has been absolutely no response from TNT.
From the editorial:
Thanks for submitting a question to the editorial. Each week we choose the most interesting, frequently asked or just plain bizarre submissions. Make sure you check the next editorial as your question could be there
Since this question obviously isn't interesting or bizarre enough, I'm hoping to make it "frequently asked." If you care about justice, please submit your own question regarding the MegaSuperb prize situation
this week. Perhaps if enough people join in, we'll at least get an answer.
Thanks for sticking up for your fellow Neopians!