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Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:26 am

I think the free NC is a great move on TNT's part. I refuse to pay real money, but I'd really like some of the stuff in the mall. My only complaint is that they did the giveaway after Easter. I really liked the Easter stuff for my Cybunny and was saving my NC from Expellibox, but sadly, I still don't have enough saved for a complete background/clothes/accessories set.

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:40 am

I've gotten 150NC I got a Wind up Ferocious Negg from an Evil Mystery Capsule.


Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:49 am

I was thinking about getting a mystery capsule. Anyone know what sorts of things each of them tend to give you?

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:26 am

It depends on the type of mystery capsule? I think they were trying to collate these on the neoitems forums, you may want to check it out.

Anyway, I bought a sparkling purple mystery capsule on my side account and got a gypsy camp background (not 1 I really wanted, but worth 200NC, so not bad at all :) ) AND I was lucky enough to get a virtual prize code, which gave me an uncommon book worth about 3,000 nps. Yay for free things! :D

Anyway, I know the winged mystery is only 100NC,
I'm wondering if I should get that on my main, which would gain me a randon pair of wings and leave me with 50NC to spare for some other small wearable. The only pair of wings I really wouldn't like are the dung ones, and maybe the grey faerie wings.... would be just my luck if i got that.

Edit: here's a webpage about the mystery capsules, if it helps:
Last edited by wandersong on Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:03 am

Well, I got my free Neocash with no problem, but now it's like they don't want me to spend it. :P When I tried to go to the mall's front page, my active pet wouldn't load, and neither would my others. So I got out of that, stripped my poor active pet of everything he was wearing, and tried again; that time it loaded relatively quickly. But my active pet is also my lab pet, and not the one I would really buy clothes for. The only one I'm even remotely interested in buying things for is my Royalgirl Acara, but I'm not about to risk a random Boochi zap by making her my active pet.

So I stripped her too (oy, all my pets running around nekkid - it's just like old times! :lol: ) and am now trying to bring her up in the pet preview window...only it seems to be stuck and won't even load my active pet now. Too many people on right now, I guess. Ah, well, I'm in no hurry to buy - unless Neocash itself expires after a while. (Does it?)

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:10 am

Ive bought NC Mall stuff before, but never wanted to waste money on a mystery capsule, just in case I got something stupid. So I got the Winged Capsule with the free NC, and ended up with dung wings. I was unhappy for a second before I realized that the color goes really well with my zombie buzz's trinkets, background, and coloring :)

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:49 am

I would like to think that this is a nice 'Thank You for not leaving us' after all the site wonkiness we've been facing rather than a clever marketing tactic. Oh well though. I am a total background junkie and the moment they announced that items weren't going to expire I started hording all of my favorite ones.

I am really looking forward to Grey Day items and I would kill for a swamp water background.

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:42 am

Got the NC with no problem; still don't know what to get. Will probably squirrel it away until they have something my baby pet can actually wear...

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:12 pm

On my main I bought one of the rainy cloud trinkets, I love the sound it makes i've been listening to it for like 2 hours now instead of music :P

I'm going to buy a mystery capsule on my side but the side has just gone uber laggy for me. I hope I get a background!

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:01 pm

Well I've bought what I want for my side (My Cybunny has a nice theme going on), but still debating on what I want for my main. I think I'll wait until I'm done labbing and have morphed and "painted" my lab rat a Robot Lupe, and buy a Floating in Space background. By then maybe I'll have won the Expellibox to give me the extra 50 cents I need lol. If not I guess I could pay neo 50 cents for the 6 years I've spent here for free... but other than that I have no plans to continue buying NC stuff.

*goes to ponder what she wants on her other sides*

Edit: Holy cow, you can add backgrounds to unconverted pets. I had no idea. I'm so buying a Coltzans Shrine Background for my Desert Aisha. ...When I have $2 to spare. ;_; *poor college student*
Last edited by metalmario on Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:07 pm

I had won 150N$ in the QE, but I always wanted the Lab Ray background so I kept hoping I'd hit it again. This giveaway comes around and I figured "COOL!! I can get it now" But when I tried to checkout with the background, it told me something about not being available in my country. Anyone else have that kind of problem? I don't get it, my user info has NYC...anyone?

varii wrote:I would like to think that this is a nice 'Thank You for not leaving us' after all the site wonkiness we've been facing rather than a clever marketing tactic.

Makes sense. I do think TNT has messed up quite a few things in recent memory. I still haven't gotten any word from them about the NP I lost in the TP recently...(shakes an angry fist in the air)

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:17 pm

I bought a sparkling purple mystery capsule on my main, got Regulation Meridellian Lowers and Roothless Thought Bubble, neither of which I like at all, but I also got a prize code which won me a Lu Codestone and gave me the Space Faerie as a BD opponent. Not that I'll ever be able to beat her, but I'm glad I at least have the chance now. :D

Edit: Woohoo, 1500th post. I'm fossilized!!

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:25 pm

Well, I just found out that the minimum amount of neocash you can buy is 500. That's too bad, I only have $1.50 in my paypal account right now and only want an item worth 200 NC.

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:50 pm

I logged on to Neopets for the first time properly since the Dr Sloth Plot ended and am pretty happy I can see my Pets again. :P Heh.

I explored the NC Mall as much as I could (it's the first time since I got Broadband that I've felt like I've been back on Dial-Up on a good day... O.o...) and desperately wanted one of those Floating Dolls. <3 Alas... none of them match my Neopets or any of the Outfit-Themes I've been pondering for them. -shrugs- I decided to go for the Sparkling Purple Mystery Capsule-thing after I read on Avatarlog that you could get the Space Faerie as a Challenger (by some stroke of luck). I felt in a lucky mood... and got a Twinkling Pink Tiara and Pulsating Brain Tree Hat but no Virtual Code. Ah well, doesn't really matter. It was worth a go. -nods to self- I may give my Zafara the Twinkling Pink Tiara but for now both will reside in my Closet. ^^ Meh.

Re: Free Cash at the NC Mall...but...

Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:51 pm

The NC Mall is currently not available in your country.

Please keep an eye out on the news to see when it will become available in your country.

So, um, since when is the NC Mall not available in the US? o_O

EDIT: Okay, so sometime in the past couple minutes, that bug has been fixed.

I ended up buying a Mystery Faerie Capsule and ended up with a Floating Jhuidah Doll :D

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